For fun!!! U.S. Cities and States (Not on the test)
Know Your Map!
Miscellaneous Unit Questions

What city has the nickname "The Mile High City"?

What is Denver?


What are the three main types of economic systems?

What is traditional, market, and command?


_______ is an Asian country made up of a massive chain of islands; It encompasses 17,508 islands, only 6,000 of which are inhabited!

a. India 

b. Indonesia

c. Madagascar

d. Cote d'Ivoire

What is the b. Indonesia?


Define globalization.

What is "the connection of different parts of the world, resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic and political activities?"


Give an example of how technology advances globalization, or connects people.

What is: answers will vary 


This city is nicknamed the City of Angels.

What is Los Angeles?


No country in the world actually has a pure market economy system. True or false?

What is true? 

Explanation: Today, the U.S. economy and others like it are described as mixed economies. A mixed economy is one in which the government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace. In this arrangement, the government’s main economic task is to preserve the free market by keeping competition free and fair and by supporting public interests. Governments in modern mixed economies also influence their economies by spending tax revenues to support social services. 

Which European country has the Eiffel Tower?

What is France?


Independence means the condition of a group of people or things that all depend on each other. True or false?

False: That is the definition of interdependence. The definition of independence means not relying or depending on another.
Explain how music is an example of globalization.

Music is an example of globalization because____. 

What is: answers will vary


This city is nicknamed the Windy City.

What is Chicago?


In the U.K., their economy is set up so that buyers and sellers have most of the decision-making power and are not restricted by government policies. Their economy type is most clearly a...

a.  command

b. market

c. traditional 

What is b. market?


Out of the following 14 countries, name 4 that are in Asia: 

France, China, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, U.K., Côte D’Ivoire, Indonesia, Australia, Bangladesh, Haiti, India

What are China, Russia (most of it), Indonesia, Bangladesh, India?


What's the difference between an import and export?

What is an import is the purchase of foreign goods and services and bringing them into one's home country, while an export is the selling of goods and services from the home country to a foreign nation?


"American fast-food restaurants like McDonald's and KFC are now common sights throughout the world, including China." This quote is most clearly an example of...

a. Interdependence

b. Industrialization

c. Americanization

d. Political globalization

c. Americanization


What is nicknamed the Lone Star State?

What is Texas?


What could be an advantage of a command economy? (in a command economy, the government owns or directs the means of production—land, labor, capital ((machinery, factories)), and business managers—and controls the distribution of goods).

What is countries with command economies try to distribute goods and services equally among citizens; public taxes are used to support social services (housing, healthcare) for all citizens?


Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean Sea, divided into which 2 countries?

What is Haiti and Dominican Republic? 


Give 3 examples of multinational corporations and describe why these are all considered to be multinational corporations.

Possible answers for question 1: Amazon, Toyota, Google, Apple, Zara, Starbucks, McDonald’s, etc. are examples of the world's most well-known multinational corporations.

Question 2: A large company that has business offices and operations in two or more countries in the world.


Name one job that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does.

What is working to foster global monetary ($) cooperation or secure financial stability or facilitate international trade or promote high employment and sustainable economic growth or and reduce poverty around the world?


Which 6 states border Colorado?

What are Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Utah?


Describe where in the world a traditional economy is likely to exist and describe what a traditional economy is like. 

Answers will vary for the first part; Second part: habit and custom determine the rules for all economic activity. Individuals are not free to make decisions based on what they would like to have. Instead, their behavior is defined by the customs of their elders and ancestors. 


Out of the following 14 countries, name 4 that are COMPLETELY in the eastern hemisphere: 

France, China, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, U.K., Côte D’Ivoire, Indonesia, Australia, Bangladesh, Haiti, India

What are: China, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Indonesia, Australia, Bangladesh, India?


Define GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and describe what it is used to evaluate.

What is the total value of the goods and services produced in a country during a specific period of time, usually a year. It is used to evaluate the health of a country's economy.


The United Nations Development Programme calculates the Human Development Index (HDI) by combining four measures of quality of life for a given year, using a formula that reduces the data to a single number. Which of the following is NOT one of the four measures used to calculate quality of life?  
a. Access to clean water

b. Life expectancy 

c. Income 

d. Education

What is a. access to clean water?