famous cases
types of evidence
random questions
case solving
crime scene

what was the key factor that proved OJ Simpson innocent?

the glove didnt fit.


what is considered physical evidence

what is material items involved in a case, objects and things the jury can physically hold and inspect


When a high speed projectile breaks glass, how do they determine the entrance and exit holes?

what is Exit hole is larger than entrance hole in a high speed projectile.


what is a way to connect a person to a crime 

what is hair,fibers,blood type


What is included on a crime scene sketch?

what is The location of the scene, The case number, An arrow and "N" indicating north etc. 


JonBenet Ramsey was an american beauty queen who was killed at 6 years old in which state?

where is Boulder, Colorado 


what is testimonial evidence

what is a statement made under oath


How can scientists tell the difference between a male and female skeleton?

what is The pelvis of the female is wider, males have sharper edges to the tibia and ulna, eye sockets for females are rounder


if a person walks or drives through/on the crime scene whats some ways to connect them to the crime

what is footprints/tiremarks


How should a crime scene technician package a bloody shirt?

what is a paper bag


____ was accused of Mudering her daughter Caylee 

Casey Anthony 


what is individual evidence

what is anything that can be linked to a unique, single, specific source.


How can a scientist tell if a hair has been forcibly removed?

what is The root attached to the hair shaft will probably be broken or damaged.


if investigators are trying to connect people to a fake check scam, whats some ways they can connect them to the crime

what is handwriting analysis, what is forgery


When a crime scene technician arrives at the scene, he/she photographs the victim and observes stiffening of the muscles in the victim's body. This type of change is called?

what is Rigor Mortis


how many trials did amanda knox have 

what is 2 trials


what is class evidence 

what is material in a criminal investigation that can be linked with a group of people, but not a specific individual.


What possible genotypes will the offspring have if the parents' blood types are O and AB?

what is AO or BO


someone left fingerprints at a crime scene, what are some characteristics to match a person to them

what is loops, what is whorls, what is archs


Which crime scene pattern would absolutely require more than one investigator?

what is zone