What is Feticide?
Crime of killing a fetus
Depraved Heart Murder?
Extremely reckless killings
Justifiable Homicide?
Killing in self defense
paramour rule
the common law rule that a husband who caught his wife in the act
of adultery had adequate provocation to kill; today, it applies to both parties of a
helping another person to die
Gay panic
“the theory that a person with latent
homosexual tendencies will have an extreme and uncontrollably violent reaction when
confronted with a homosexual proposition”
Malum prohibitum crime
death has to be a foreseeable consequence of the
unlawful act; the act is unlawful only because it’s prohibited by a specific statute or
Emotional reasonableness
a finding that “the defendant’s emotional outrage or
passion was reasonable
adequate provocation
the requirement that the provocation for killing in anger has
to be something the law recognizes, the defendant himself had to be provoked, and that
a reasonable person would have been provoked
Felony murder rule
unintentional deaths that occur during the commission of some
felonies are murder