Theatre terms
Theatre terms
Theatre terms
Theatre terms
Theatre terms
Sometimes referred to as breaking the fourth wall, the term refers to a speech or comment made by an actor directly to the audience about the action of the play or another character. The audience is to understand that this comment is not heard or noticed
What do Aside mean
An audition is a try out for a particular part in a play.
What is an audition
The backstage is the entire area behind or beyond the stage, including the the dressing rooms, wings or sides of the stage area.
What is the backstage
Blocking is; The process of determining the placement or location of actors on stage
What is Blocking
A curtain call is the final appearance of the cast at the end of the play, to receive applause of the audience.
What is a curtain call.
Is a British term--- Meaning when an actor draws attention to themselves when they are suppose to be "dead".
What is corpsing?
The word cue is a word that actors are expected to deliver a line.
What is A cue?
A list of cues from which a stage manager, lighting operator or sound technician.
What is a cue sheet?