Phone Service
Communication Via Teams
Dealing with Clients

This is the phrase you should use when answering the phone

What is "thank you for calling Great Lakes State Agency, this is (name) how can I help you?"


This makes Pam and Dan nervous when you send them this message, so please add more context. 

Can I call you? 


When someone calls about something that would take awhile (such as a review)- you should do this. 

What is make an appointment? 


This is the longest you should leave someone on hold

What is 60 seconds? 


When stepping away - this should be in your teams away message

What is your return time?


When writing someone with AO, we should always send them this so they can do some of their own service. 

What is the Customer Center email? 


Pam suggests you have one of these on your desk to make sure you are smiling while on the phone

What is a mirror? 

This is how many people you should ask when you need help. 

What is 1? 


You should do this when you email someone something.

What is call or text them as well? 

Before hanging up the phone with a client, you should do this. 

What is thank them for their business? 


When something informational is put in teams, we should avoid doing this. 

What is "pushing" it up? 


You should do this if a customer comes into the office - and is working with a remote employee. 

What is call the remote employee? 


You should do this if someone hangs up or is disconnected. 

What is call back?


Before we put a piece of information in teams we should do this. 

What is put it in the pedia - EZL? 


You should always tell people to do this and use the phrase "For your convenience." 

What is pay online?