What is the origin of the hamstrings?
Ischial tuberosity
What is the innervation rule for the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Tibial Nerve
What is the insertion of Tensor Fasciae Latae?
Iliotibial Tract
What action does Soleus perform?
Name all 4 anatomy TA's and the anatomy tutor
TA's: Emmy, Mackenzie, Shannon, Kara Grace
Tutor: Jaclyn
What muscle originates on the ASIS?
Tensor Fasciae Latae
What nerve innervates Gluteus Maximus?
Inferior Gluteal nerve
What boney prominence does tibialas posterior insert on?
Navicular Tuberosity
What actions do the hamstrings perform?
Hip extension and knee flexion
Compression of the sciatic nerve can lead to what condition?
Piriformis Syndrome
The latin origin of "popliteal" means what?
What innervates the superior and inferior gemelli?
Small motor branches of sacral plexus
What is the insertion of the long head of Biceps Femoris?
Proximal fibula
What is the action rule for the posterior compartment of the leg?
Plantarflex ankle and flex toes
The gluteal region lies in between what to anatomical landmarks?
Iliac crests and gluteal fold
What is the origin of the short head of Biceps Femoris?
Linea aspera of the femur
The nerve that innervates the hamstrings is one of two that make up which nerve?
What is the path of the tendon of Fibularis Brevis and where does it insert?
Tendon passes posterior to the lateral malleolus and inserts on the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal
The triceps surae contributes to what actions?
Plantarflexion and knee flexion
A positive Trendelenburg test indicates an injury of which nerve?
Superior Gluteal Nerve
What is the origin of Obturator Internus?
Pelvic Girdle
What nerves are involved in lateral rotation of the hip?
Femoral nerve, Obturator Nerve, and Inferior Gluteal Nerve
The insertion of the tendons of semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius form what? Where specifically do they insert?
Pes Anserinus; medial aspect of the proximal tibia
What actions would be affected by compression of the common fibular nerve in individuals with proximal split of the sciatic nerve?
Eversion, plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, extension of the toes and flexion of the knee
What is the order of the structures in the tarsal tunnel from posterior to anterior?
FHL, Tibial Nerve, Posterior Tibial Artery/vein, FDL, Tibialis Posterior