Physical and Chemical
Earth Science

Stacy's night light has a gap in it, what should she put into it to close the gap?

         A metal nail or a wood block?

What is a metal nail? Metal is a type of conductor which allows electricity to flow through it.


A puddle freezes the sublimates is this a chemical or physical change?

What is a physical change? Ice sublimating is a type of state of matter so it is physical.


When two plates meet an one goes under the other what is that called?

What is subduction? Subduction is when a plate subducts under another.


What part of the plant cell creates photosynthesis?

What is the chloroplast? The chloroplast takes in light then turns it into sugar.


Lily's cat has dark fur and a light patch on her back, her cat has an offspring this cat has dark fur and a light patch but a light patch on her snout.  Is the white snout inherited or acquired?

What is inherited? The snout could be from her father or grandparents.


What does magnetism and electricity have in common?

What is they both create each other? Magnetism creates electricity and electricity creates magnetism.


What do these two changes have in common?

  • cooking an egg

  • sanding a piece of wood

Select all that apply.

Both are caused by cooling.
Both are chemical changes.
Both result in a different type of molecule than was      there before.
Both conserve mass.

What is they both conserve mass?


Which of the following pictures also show sediment? Select all that apply.

What is all of them? Sediments can come in shapes and sizes.


Which of the following parts does an animal cell have? Select all that apply.


Cell Wall


What is the Nucleus and cell wall?



 Pablo grows his jade plant in a large pot. After a few months, Pablo observes his jade plant. What can you infer about Pablo's jade plant?

What is it has green leaves, brown branches, and it has many leaves and branches?

 Finish the chart:

Substance Y     Substance X 

Poor conductivity


What is the correct answer is:

Substance Y     Substance X 

Poor conductivity  Good conductivity

  Non-metal               Metal


Bleaching a shirt and an apple rotting. What do these things have in common?

What is they both involve chemical bonds breaking?


_______ is when the wind/water/glacier drops the material they are eroding.

What is deposition?

What does the plant cell have in common with the animal cell?

What is the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuole(s)?


Ben say that your skin color is inherited, while Jimmy says it's acquired. Who is correct?

What is both of them? Skin colors is inherited but you can make it darker.


Metals are examples of ________________ and plastic is an example of ___________________.

What is conductor, insulator?


Why does metal turn into rust?

What is when it interacts with hydrogen and oxygen?


    What question can you ask from this picture?

Where will the hurricane likely cause damage?


What is an example of a unicellular organism?

 What is bacteria, prototoza, fluenza, and Ecoli


-Is female

-Has fur that is light brown

-Has a small scar on her ear

-is 55 inches tall

What question can Amy ask?

How many cows have scars on their ears?


This type of circuit can light, light bulbs?

What is both a series and parallel circuit?


Is a chemical bonding energy is released or absorbed making their surrounding hotter or cooler a unexpected color change or an unexpected temperature change?

What is it's unexpected temperature change?


Divergent plates are plates that pull apart from each other and this can cause what two events?

What are earthquakes and mid ocean ridges?


What are the 6 qualifications for something to be considered living?

 What is 1. Made of cells   2. Has DNA  3. Maintain homeostasis   4. Grow    5. Reproduce     6. Adapt and evolve?


_________ ______ are traits that shows its specific trait when ____ parents pass the gene to the offspring.

 What are recessive traits, both?