Main Ideas

Define theme

Main message or life lesson learned in the literary text.


What does it mean to compare and contrast something?

To find the similarities and differences.


During recess, I always go to the library because there are a lot of amazing books there. I love reading. As it is quiet, it lets me concentrate and think about different things. The librarian is really nice and friendly too. She gives me candies all the time.

The library is my favorite place.


What is an inference?

An educated guess.


When you write a summary, it must be written in the correct sequence of events. What does sequence mean?

Sequence means the order in which an event takes place.


Once two friends called Harry and Garry came to a city to earn money. They went to a rich merchant for a job. The merchant gave each of them a cane basket and pointing towards a well in his garden said, "Take these baskets and draw water from the well till dusk." Harry thought it foolish to draw water in a cane basket. So, he slept. On the other hand, Garry kept working. After a few hours, when he drew the basket up, he saw some gold coins in the basket. He took them to the merchant who rewarded him and gave him a job too. Harry went away ashamed.

Hard work pays off


Leah sat on her bed and looked around her new room. It was smaller than her room had been back in Tennessee. But Mom had painted the walls the same shade of lavender as her old room and Boo-Boo, her teddy bear, sat on her bed, just as he always had. She looked out her window at the yard below. It was strange being on the second floor. She had never lived in a two-story house before.

How is Leah's new bedroom the same as her old one?

It's the same color as her old room.  Her teddy bear is still on her bed.


It all started in 1904 at the St. Louis World's fair when an ice cream vendor ran out of dishes for his ice cream.  A man named Ernest Hamwi was selling waffles in the booth next door.  He helped his neighbor out by making cone-shaped waffles to hold the ice cream.

The ice cream cone was invented in 1904.


Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stopped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all.

What did Katie clean up? 

Katie cleaned up a broken egg.


What are the 5 key words used to summarize a piece of literature or a movie?

Who, what, when, where, and how is another model.


Everyone knew that Howard was the meanest kid in sixth grade. He was known to push around kids in the lower grades at school. One day as he was teasing a fourth grader, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. "Ouch, "cried Howard. "Stop!" Howard looked over his shoulder to see who was touching him. It was an eighth grader named Sam. "How does it feel Howard?" Sam asked while squeezing Howard's shoulder.

What goes around comes around  


Lauren's cousin, Mia was coming to stay with her family for a whole week.  Lauren was worried. Even though they were the same age, Lauren felt like they did not have much in common. Lauren loved to play outside, while Mia would rather spend a day curled up with a book. Lauren stopped worrying when Mia walked through the door.  She was carrying an armload of board games.  Lauren loved playing games! Maybe it would be a fun week after all.  

How are Lauren and Mia the same?

They are the same age. They both loved playing board games.


 Born in Puerto Rico on August 18, 1934, Roberto Enrique Clemente grew to be one of baseball’s biggest stars on and off the field. The son of a sugarcane worker, Roberto began playing professional baseball just after he finished high school. He first played for the Montreal Royals, a minor league team. In 1955, Clemente made his major league debut, playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Roberto Enrique Clemente grew to be one of baseball’s biggest stars.


Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They quietly enjoyed their snacks and did not talk at all.

Where were Ana and Sophie? 

Ana and Sophie were at the movies.


An ogre wants to lives peacefully in his swamp but fairytale characters invade it. So he decides to make a deal with Lord Farquaad to rescue a princess in return for saving his swamp. Then he rescues her and ends up falling in love with her. This summarizes what story?



What does each letter stand for in SLIME?

S- Subject/topic

L- Lesson

I/M- Idea/Message

E- Evidence


Stacy and Tracy are best friends. They wear matching clothes to school every day. They read the same books, see the same movies, and watch the same TV shows. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Stacy takes ballet class. She wanted Tracy to take the class with her, but Tracy does not like ballet. Tracy decided to join a soccer team instead.

In what ways are Stacy and Tracy the same? In what ways are they different?

Same: They wear matching clothes, read the same books, see the same movies, and watch the same TV shows. 

Different: Stacy takes ballet, but Tracy joined soccer. 


In 2011, 16 big food companies promised to make their food healthier. They made this promise to help decrease childhood obesity. The companies said they would make their food healthier by lowering the number of calories in it. A study showed that after the companies kept their promise, people started buying healthier, lower-calorie food.

Sixteen companies are making their food healthier.


Kim turned off the lights and everyone found a place to hide. Nicky hid under the table where everyone had put their presents. He peeked out and saw the front door starting to open.

What will happen next?

Everyone will jump out and yell "Surprise!" because they are at a surprise party.


Summarize Mulan 

A daughter wants to save her father and brother from fighting in the war, so she pretends to be a male soldier and goes to war for him to help her country.


Rose was a busy teenager. She was always on the go from one activity to another. one day, she noticed that her backpack strap was beginning to become loose. Rose considered fixing  it, but she had so many other things to do that she didn't have time. Time passed and the backpack strap was only hanging by a thread. Then, on her way to an important day at school, Rose's backpack strap ripped complete off. Her supplies went everywhere.

Address a small problem before it becomes a big problem


Peyton looked around her new classroom. There were windows on one wall and coat hooks on the other, just like in her classroom last year. The sink was in the back, too. But the desks were in groups of four or five. Last year the desks had always been in rows. Then she saw that the Book Nook had a lot of books, many more than were in last year's classroom library. It was going to be an interesting year!

How is Peyton's new classroom the same as her old one? How is it different?

Same: windows, coat hooks, sink in the back

Different: desks in groups of 4 or 5 instead of rows, more books


   Wolf spiders are known for their unique hunting abilities. Unlike other spiders, most wolf spiders don’t build webs to catch their prey, but instead hunt them down just like the wolves for which they are named. Sprinting across the forest floor, a small spider pounces on a beetle, injects it with some venom and waits for it to take effect. Then, the spider sucks up the liquefied insides of the beetle and runs off to hide again. In addition to insects, wolf spiders may also eat animals as big as frogs and toads!

Wolf spiders are known for their unique hunting abilities.


"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backward. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy.

What is Lucy doing?

Lucy was learning to ice skate.


What does each letter in RACES stand for?

R- restate the question

A- answer the question

C- cite the evidence

E- explain your thinking

S- summarize