This is the year GMED NA was established in DC...
When is 2005?
This is what our company acronym, GMED, stands for...
One of three people is usually the first to arrive at the office in the morning...
Who is Megan, Fatimazahra, or Ehab?
This brand of coffee pods is the most stocked in the kitchen, though it is loathed by some...
What is Kirkland?
This person was the first to be hired at GMED NA in 2024...
Who is Fatimazahra?
This current GMED NA employee has worked with GMED LNE / GMED NA the longest...
Who is Florianne?
This is the amount of paid holidays we get throughout the year...
What is 7?
These are Emmanuel's preferred office days...
What are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays?
This reaction emoji is the most used on teams...
What is a thumbs-up emoji?
This is the amount of floors in the entire building...
What is 9?
This fudgy treat is also the name of Tarik's dog...
What is Brownie?
This is the website we use for booking a conference room...
What is Semana?
These 9 people commute to the office... name at least 5
Who are Megan, Paul, Fatimazahra, Eliane, Svitlana, Gaetan, Vaishnavi, Berenger, and Lydia (sometimes)?
This spot is the most popular for after-work happy-hours
What is Gringo's?
This division title is also the password for the Wi-Fi...
What is "certification"?
This GMED NA division has the least employees...
What is Digital Transformation?
This place is where the first aid kit is located...
Where is the cabinet above the microwaves in the kitchen?
These fifteen people live in VA... name 8 (remote employees included)
Who are Caty, Andrew, Mena, Ahmad, Marietou, Hussein, Maria, Razan, Prajakta, Maithili, Amal, Charlotte, Roksana, Dharmendra, and Sushma?
This is the color of the accent wall in the small conference room...
What is green/light green?
This is the name of the building experience manager who sits at the front desk in the lobby...