GMO E-Coli was created here in this year
What is July 27, 1921 at the University of Toronto, Canada
GMO Silk Worm Cocoons benefits the human by doing these two thing
What is suppressing heart damage and improving heart weight/body weight ratio
GMO E-Coli proposes these risks to humans
What is stroke and Coronary artery disease
GMO E-Coli produces this substance which is used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes
What is Insulin
This GMO was created to obtain silk with modified charecteristics
What are Silk Worm Cocoons
GMO Silk Worm Cocoons were created in 2002 in these two countries
What is Japan and China
GMO Goats benefits humans by doing these two things
What is prevents formation of small blood cells and helps prevent diarrheal disease
GMO Hormone proposes these risks to humans
What are tumors and damage to the endocrine gland
What is Streptococcus
What are infections
GMO Goats were first created at Louisiana State University in this year
What is 1999
GMO E-Coli benefits humans by these two things
What is increases Hypoglycemia and increases weight gain
GMO Streptococcus proposes these risks to humans
What is strep throat and Impetigo
What is Collagen
This GMO was created to alter the properties of milk by adding a new protein or recovering protein for other uses
What is GMO Goat
GMO Streptococcus was created in this country in 1874
What is France
GMO Hormone benefits humans by these two things
What is height and builds bones and muscles
GMO Silk Worm Cocoons proposes these risks
What are undesired immune reactions and silk allergy; limiting the widespread use of fibroin
This is the protein which block blood coagulation produced from GMO Goats
GMO's E-Colis purpose is to increase this
What is Hypoglycemia
GMO Chinese Hamster (CHO cells) were created here in this year
What is China in the 1950's
GMO Streptococcus benefits humans by these two things
What is fighting infections and fostering more balanced health
GMO Chinese Hamsters propose these risks
What is low productivity and growth restriction and expression instability
GMO Human Growth Hormone keeps this part of the body healthy
What is a bone
This GMO was created to produce proteins with human-like characteristics
What is GMO Chinese Hamsters