Mention 3 categories of content that Google restricts advertising
-Alcohol, Copyrights, gambling and games, healthcare and medicines, political content, financial services, trademarks, legal requirements
How many core values do we have?
What is the world's #1 search engine?
This animal is the only animal that cannot jump
What does B2B stand for?
Business to Business
True or false: Google has different types of matches for a keyword, is phrase match one of them?
Who is Juliana Reyes for GMS?
The biggest and most used social media platform with over 2.23 billion users
This is the largest organ in the human body.
This is an online news and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets"
True or false: In CM you now will be able to add multiple in-stream video creatives to any in-stream video placement with a matching durations setting
How often should hours at Hive be filled?
This is who you focus your ad campaigns on.
This is the top selling cookie in America.
Segmentation of the market based on where people live is called what?
Geographic Segmentation
Request permissions
What are the 3 phases of Campaign build workflow?
Pre-launch, In flight, Post-Launch
This is a highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending information to prospects and customers electronically
This is the worlds biggest island.
This is a term used for marketing via newspapers, radio and television
Traditional Marketing
True or false: Search terms as "in stock", "fitness apps" and "online learning" increased more than 50% in 2020
False. It's more than 200%
¿How many people joined the GMS in February?
This is a discussion or informational website published on the web consisting of personal, discrete, often informal diary-style text
Riddle: It flies but can't walk
What does SEM stand for?
Search Engine Marketing