The most commonly used financial plan template for partnership agreements.
What is the Short Form?
The Create Proposal button is located within this Inbox
What is the Requested Proposal Inbox?
Which Interagency Agreement authority requires completion of a Determination & Finding letter.
What is the Economy Act?
Financial Plan guru of MCC
Who is Wendy Wigert?
This form should be used when closing out a partnership agreement with out-going funds.
What is the FS 6500-235?
The current indirect cost rate for the Forest Service..
What is 15%?
The report that is used to check roles in NRM..
What is GARP030L: G&A User Management Application (UMA) Report?
The Interior and Related Appropriations Act of 1992 is the authorizing statute for which agreement type?
What is a Challenge Cost Share?
Location of IDPR agreement template.
What is R1 G&A\_G&A General Info\IDPR?
The form(s) used when processing an Interagency Agreement.
What are the 7600 A & B forms?
You should capture cooperator volunteer hours on this tab in the Financial Plan
What is the Cooperator In-Kind tab?
This tab is used to create/manage requests to the ASC B&F RACA staff.
What is the Collections tab?
The Cooperative Funds Act of June 30, 1914, (16 USC 498 as amended) is the primary authority for which agreement type?
What is a Collection Agreement?
These agreement types require mutual interest and mutual benefit with a cooperator. (Name at least 2 types)
What are PA, CS, JV, IJ and SA agreements?
If a partner/cooperator/recipient claims an overhead rate 25% or greater on a financial plan, they are required to obtain this document.
What is a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA)?
On a Collection Agreement or Incoming Funds IA, which tab and sub-tab should you enter the incoming funds dollar amount?
What is the Funding Tab, Other Contributions sub-tab?
Name one of the two authorities that authorize the Forest Service to enter into an agreement where the primary purpose of the agreement is a conference?
What is P.L. 94-148 (PA) or Interior and Related (CS)?
States within Region 1
What is MT, ID, SD, ND?
Required by statute to be submitted by a partner when they are spending Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding.
What are quarterly financial and performance reports?
All incurred costs on a financial plan must be?
What is allowable, allocable, reasonable?
Before creating a commitment line in NRM to add funding to an agreement through a modification, you must first do what?
What is create a modification line on the Modifications tab?
Coop Law Enforcement, Coop Road and Coop Fire agreements are exempted from which Federal Act?
What is the Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements Act of 1977 (FGCA)
Most common response in G&A
What is It Depends?
These agreements are used to accomplish resource management with a focus on restoration?
What are Stewardship Agreements?