Uses the discord username "@Kaijin2000"
Who is Kai Riley?
Singer of the hit song, "Bad Guy"
Who is Billie Eilish?
What is Green and Gold?
APAC stands for
What is Asian Pacific American Coalition?
Name the planets in order
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune?
Knows 8 languages, but can only speak 5 of them
Who is Sai Prasanna?
Founder of the e-commerce company, Amazon
Who is Jeff Bezos?
The date GMU was founded
When was October 1, 1949
The IG and FB where you can learn more information about their events are
What is @gmuapac and @GMUAPAC (or GMU Asian Pacific American Coalition)?
Average orbital distance to the moon from Earth in km or sq mi (acceptable within 50,000)
What is 384,402 km or 239,000 mi?
Favorite type of video games are rhythm games
Who is Kevin Tran?
Has the most amount of subscribers on Youtube
What is T-Series?
The school GMU branched off from
What is University of Virginia?
The year APAC was established
The year Pluto demoted from being a planet?
When was August 2006?
Favorite drink from Shartea is Taro Pearl Milk Tea
Who is Aaron O'Brien?
The amount of bones in the human body
What is 206?
The year GMU become an independent four-year University
When was 1972?
The amount of orgs currently under APAC
What is 14?
This region of space time has a gravitational pull so strong, not even light can escape it
What is a black hole?
Learned to swim before learning how to walk
Who is Leigh Wynn?
Always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats
What is a river?
Name five of GMU’s campus’s and their location
Where is Mason Main Campus -Fairfax, Arlington Campus – Arlington, Science and Technology -Manassas, Mason Korea - Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Mason in Loudoun/Signal Hill -Sterling, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation-Front Royal, Point of View – Lorton, Potomac Science Center – Woodbridge
What is aKDPhi, FCA, IND, INSTA, ISA, JSA, KSA, KPL, KPhiG, LPhie, PDPsi, SYZ, VSA, and TSA?
This constellation can be found in the northern sky and is named after a vain Queen from Greek mythology who boasted about her unrivaling beauty
What is Cassiopeia?