Vulnerable Populations
Crisis Response

This is what S.A.R.B stands for

What is the School Attendance Review Board


The Act that defines homeless children and youth

What is the Mckinney-Vento Act 


The Evidence Based Practice used when a student is referred for Alcohol and/or Other Drugs

What is SBIRT


The program offered to staff and students 7th-12th grade on general mental health and suicide prevention each year that is paired with a screener.

What is Signs of Suicide  (SOS) 


The 3 domains within our MTSS model

What is College and Career, Academic and Social-Emotional/Behavioral 


Documentation that will be noted under counseling and/ or visitation 

What are Direct and Indirect Services 


What SBIRT stands for

Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment 


This is the district percentage goal for all sites

What is 96%


The term commonly used for the following statements in cases of foster/homeless youth: 

  • The school you attended when you first entered foster care,

  • The school you most recently attended, or

  • Any school you attended in the last 15 months that you feel connected to.

What is "School of Origin"


The Form any educational employee must use when there is a suspicion of abuse

What is Child Abuse Report From (SCAR)


The composition of your tier 3 support staff including but not limited to a school based mental health professionals, administrator and Law Enforcement. 

What is a Crisis Team Composition 


The universal Screener used TK-12th grade

What is the Dessa Screener


Services that:

  • Involve direct interaction with students

  • Focused on immediate student needs

  • Examples: counseling, assessments, interventions

What are Direct Services 


The grade level most appropriate for SBIRT intervention  

What is 5th-12th grade


The amount of days/class period absences initiating the first SARB Letter

What is 3 days and/or 21 class period absences (unexcused)


True or False: In the population of foster youth/ the educational rights holder (ERH) may be the parent or legal guardian, caregiver, or another person chosen by the court. The ERH cannot be your social worker or probation officer, your attorney, or group home or school staff members.

What is True


The Minor Consent Right that states: Adolescents aged 12 and over can give their own consent for services that prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including both the HPV vaccine and post-exposure HIV prophylaxis.

What is the Minor Consent Reproductive Health Rights in California (AB 499)


The plan that can be used in teaching healthy coping skills, setting goals and monitoring student progress after a student expresses suicide ideation and or self-harm.

What is an Individual Safety Plan


A common Tier 2 Intervention that provides predictable opportunities for educators to teach behavior expectations and provide positive reinforcement (e.g., behavior-specific praise) and feedback. 

What is CICO


Services that include: 

  • Support students through work with others or systems

  • Often address broader or long-term issues

  • Examples: consultation with teachers, program development, policy work

What are Indirect Services


Recommended Screening tools 



The percentage that will place a student within the Chronic Absentee category 

What is 91% or less


The Act known to prescribe inclusion of the contributions of groups previously excluded in the history of California and the U.S. such as LGBT Americans to California and U.S. history as well as their roles in contemporary society.

What is the FAIR Education ACT


True or False: A student, age 12 can consent to certain services without parent or guardian involvement. 

What is True, under the california minor consent law


The protocol used for assessing Suicide Risk

What is the C-SRSS


 An assessment used to identify why a student behaves a certain way and to develop strategies for preventing unwanted behavior, teaching appropriate behavior, and reinforcing positive behavior

What is an FBA


The surveys that must be provided at the beginning of each round of small groups for COMS-SBMH staff

What are student connectedness and student satisfaction surveys


structured conversations designed to address alcohol and/or drug use among youth who are using substances, but do not need specialty SUD treatment.

What is a Brief Intervention 


The criteria for an Excessive Absence Notification Letter 2

What is: 

-26-30  tardies

-Five 30 Minutes or More Late Arrivals

-91% or Less Attendance Rate


An LEA shall exempt a homeless student from all coursework and other requirements adopted by the LEA that are in addition to the statewide coursework requirements if these 3 criteria are met 

  • The LEA does not make a finding that the student is reasonably able to complete the school district’s graduation requirements in time to graduate from high school by the end of the fourth year;

  • The student transfers between schools any time after the completion of the second year of high school; and,

  • The student must meet the definition of homeless at the time the student transfers schools


A student scored within the 40 or below T-score in our universal Dessa Screener and has shown low interest in school often not attending classes. This is the Tier 2 tool that can be used. 

What is CAST and/or Second Step 


The phone number you call when injuries are life threatening 

What is 911


The psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

What is CBT


What SMART Goals stand for

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound 

The step intended for youth who have a substance use disorder (SUD) and therefore need specialty SUD treatment that is typically beyond the scope of primary care settings such as SBHCs.

What is Referral to Treatment