electric tehniques
past cont

people can use it to dry their hair

a hairdryer


translate the following sentence into English

Кейт грала на піанiно с 5 до 7 годин вечора вчорa

Kate was playing the piano from 5 till 7 pm yesterday.


translate into english the following sentence

Ти виглядаєш засмученим. Що не так?

You look upset. What's wrong?


translate into english the following word


remote contol


people can use it to make the food warm

a microwave


translate the following sentenсe into English:

Аліса та Вікі ходили по магазинам вчора весь день

Alice and Vicky were going shopping the whole day yesterday.


translate into english the following sentence

о, мені шкода чути це!

oh, I'm sorry to hear that.


translate into english the following sentence

Ми не грали в ігрову приставку весь вечір

we were not playing the games console the whole evening


people can use it to play games or watch videos, read e-books. they can even take it everywhere, because it is not big

a tablet


translate the following sentence into English:

Арам та Нік не готували вчора піцу о7 годині вечора

Aram and Nick were not cooking pizza at 7 pm yesterday


translate into english the following sentence

О, це жахливо. Можу я чимось допомогти?

Oh, that's terrible! Can I help?


translate into english the following sentence

коли хлопці сиділи в інтернеті, їх ноутбук зламався. 

when boys were surfing in the Internet, their laptops crashed


before the electric technology starts working we need to do what?

plug in and turn on


translate the following sentence into English

Віктор і Артем гуляли вчора о 5 годині вечора? - так.

Were Victor and Artem walking at 5 pm yesterday? - Yes, they were.


translate into english the following sentence

Чому б тобі не занести свій ноутбук в ремонт Fast Fix?

- о, хороша ідея!

Why don't you take your laptop to Fast Fix?

- oh, that's a good idea!


translate into english the following sentence

- вчора мама і тато купили мені новий комп'ютер!

- везе  тобі!

- yesterday ma mum and dad bought me a new computer!

- lucky you!


after we finish using the electric technology we need to do what?

turn off and unplug


Макс, Іван та Микита повторювали вчора англійську весь день? 

ну зичайно........НІ!!

Were Max, Ivan and Mykyta revising English the whole day yesterday?

Of course NOT!


translate into english the following sentence

- Що трапилось з твоїм планшетом?

- нічого. він занадто старий.

- о, як шкода!

- what happened with your tablet?

- nothing. it is too old.

- oh, that's a shame.


translate into english the following sentence

я вмію завантажувати пісні на свій моб.телефон

i can download the songs to my cell phone