Home Stuff!
Gender Stuff!
Fun Stuff!

What are three activities you do when you're bored at home?

There are many right answers! Some involve: read a book, watch tv, jump on a trampoline, play video games, play board games or cards, build legos, paint or draw, video chat with a friends, etc.


How long have trans and non-binary people existed?

Since the beginning of recorded human history. Egyptian tombs have been found with male skeletons dressed in traditional women's clothing. And female skeletons in traditional men's clothing buried with other men.

On nearly every continent, and for all of recorded history, thriving cultures have recognized, revered, and integrated more than two genders. Hundreds of distinct societies around the globe have their own long-established traditions for third, fourth, fifth, or more genders.


Complete the phrase: 

"There is one ________ among us"



What can help you focus with virtual learning?

Many possible right answers. They could include drinking water, fidget, snacks, chair, deep breaths.


What is an example of a non-binary pronoun?

They, them, Ze, Zir, etc…


What is the name of the main (playable) character in The Legend of Zelda?



What are 3 ways to stay connected to friends when you can't see them in person?

Video chat, play video games together, text, have a virtual play date, send cards or letters, call, etc.


Name a cartoon, show, or book with a trans or non-binary character.

Some examples: 

She-Ra (trans & non-binary characters)

Steven Universe  (has non-binary characters)

Danger & Eggs (has a trans girl (voiced by Jazz Jennings) and a non-binary character who plays in a band.)


Lumberjanes, comic book (trans main character)

Julian is a Mermaid (book, gender-non conforming main character)


Name someone famous (celebrity or public figure) who is part of the LGBTQ community

JoJo Siwa (Singer, dancer)

Jazz Jennings (Spokesperson, activist)

Lil Nas X (Singer)

Elliot Page (Actor)


When you feel unhappy or upset, what makes you feel better?


Many right answers, but some might be:

Jumping on a trampoline.

Going for a walk.

Eating something.

Reading a book.


What is one thing that makes you proud to be trans or non-binary?


What does Mario have to eat to grow bigger in the Mario Brother games? 



What's one technology tip you might give to someone who is staying home? What should they try out? 

There are infinite answers!

Houseparty app, 20/20 rule (20 second eye break), etc


What advice would you have for a friend who was trans or non-binary, but feeling nervous?

There are many right answers, thanks for your answer!


Sing the Baby Shark song!