Globalization Basics
Impact on Identity
Challenges of Globalization
Technology and Culture
Key Terms

What is globalization?

Answer: A process that is making the world's citizens increasingly interconnected and interdependent.


How does social media affect people's identities in the context of globalization?

It shapes identities by exposing individuals to diverse cultures and ideas, but can also lead to issues like cultural appropriation and identity confusion


What are some challenges immigrants face in a globalized world?

Language barriers, employment difficulties, cultural adjustment, discrimination, and lack of access to services.


How has technology promoted cultural globalization?

By facilitating communication and exchange of cultural content across the globe, making it easier to share and access diverse cultural expressions.


Define transnational corporations.

Companies that operate in multiple countries, often having significant influence on global trade and economy.


Name two ways globalization influences your daily life.

international products, global communication, cultural exchanges, etc


Define cultural appropriation.

The adoption or taking of specific elements of one culture by another without substantive reciprocity, permission, compensation, understanding, or appreciation


How can globalization exacerbate economic inequality?

By favoring countries and individuals who are already economically powerful, often at the expense of poorer nations and communities.


What role does social media play in the globalization of culture?

It connects people globally, allowing for the rapid spread of cultural trends and ideas.


What is media convergence?

The merging of different media outlets and platforms, often resulting in integrated media content across various formats.


What is the difference between integration and assimilation in the context of globalization?

Integration involves combining different groups into a society while maintaining their distinct cultural identities, whereas assimilation involves the absorption of one group into the dominant culture, often losing distinct cultural characteristics.


Give an example of cultural appreciation.

Learning to cook Mexican food from a Mexican friend or taking Martial Arts from a culturally adept instructor.


What is the digital divide, and how is it related to globalization?

The digital divide is the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology and those who do not. Globalization can widen this gap as technology advances


Give an example of how technology can be used to preserve culture.

Digitizing cultural artifacts, creating online archives, and using social media to promote cultural events and traditions.


Explain the term "economics of scale."

The cost advantage that arises with increased output of a product, as the fixed costs are spread over more units of output.


How does globalization affect consumer choices?

It increases the variety of products available from different parts of the world, often making them more accessible and affordable


Why is it important to understand the cultural origin of practices before adopting them?

To ensure that the behavior is appreciative rather than appropriative, avoiding reinforcement of stereotypes or disrespecting the culture.


How does globalization impact the environment?

It can lead to increased pollution, resource depletion, and environmental degradation due to the rise in industrial activity and consumption.


What is the difference between cultural borrowing and cultural appropriation?

Cultural borrowing is a respectful and reciprocal exchange of cultural elements, while cultural appropriation involves taking elements without understanding or respecting their significance.


What does cultural revitalization mean?

The process of reaffirming and promoting cultural practices and identities, often in response to globalization and cultural erosion.


Name a positive and a negative effect of globalization

Positive: Increased economic growth and cultural exchange. Negative: Cultural homogenization and environmental degradation.


How can globalization lead to cultural homogenization?

By spreading dominant cultural norms and values, which can overshadow and diminish local cultures and traditions.


What is media concentration, and why is it a concern in a globalized world?

Media concentration is the ownership of media outlets by a few large corporations, which can limit diversity of perspectives and control over information


How can individuals ensure their behavior is culturally appreciative rather than appropriative?

By learning about the culture from authentic sources, giving credit to the culture of origin, and avoiding actions that perpetuate stereotypes or disrespect the culture.


Define hybridization in the context of globalization

The blending of different cultural elements to create new, hybrid forms of cultural expression.