Conversation Rules
Size of the Problem
Starting a conversation
Staying on Topic
Expected or Unexpected

True or False: It is okay to interrupt someone while they are speaking if you have something important to say.

False. It is polite to wait until the other person has finished speaking before you share your thoughts.


You forgot your pencil for class. Question: Is this problem small, medium, or big? Why?

It is a small problem because you can easily borrow a pencil from a classmate or find one in the classroom.


What is the first thing you should say when starting a conversation?

Hello! Giving a greeting makes people feel comfortable and lets them know you want to talk to them.


Scenario: You are talking with a friend about your favorite TV show. Your friend mentions a new episode they watched.

Question: If you start talking about a book you recently read instead of the TV show, are you staying on topic?

Not on Topic


Scenario: During a math class, Lisa raises her hand and says, “I’m really good at video games.”

Question: Is Lisa’s comment about video games expected or unexpected during a math lesson? Why?

It is unexpected because the topic of video games is not related to math. A more expected comment would be about a math problem or a question about the lesson.


True or False: Asking questions about what someone is talking about helps keep the conversation on track.

True. Asking relevant questions shows interest and helps continue the conversation.


You accidentally spilled water on your notebook, and it is now hard to read your notes. Is this problem small, medium, or big?

It is a medium problem because you might need to ask a friend to help you dry the notebook or get a new one from the teacher.


You overhear the new student plays your favorite video game. You see her at lunch and want to start a conversation. What do you say?

-Hey! I overheard you say you play Roblox. I love that game too!

- Hi. Me and a few friends like to play Roblox after school. Would you want to join us sometime?


Alex says, “I really like playing soccer.” Jamie responds, “Really? I just got a new soccer video game! Maybe we can play it together sometime.”

Question: Is Jamie’s response on topic? Why or why not?

It is on topic. He is still talking about soccer.


Dialogue: Jamie walks in to his 1st period class and sees his teacher. He says, “What are we doing today in class?” 

Question: Is Jamie's question to his teacher expected or unexpected?

Jamie's comment is unexpected. Typically when you see someone for the first time in a day you say "Hello" or "Good Morning". Jamie should have given a greeting and then asked his question.


True or False: It is fine to talk about unrelated topics during a group discussion if you are bored.

False. It is important to stay on topic to keep the conversation meaningful and relevant to everyone.


You’re having trouble understanding a homework assignment and don't know how to start. Is this problem small, medium, or big?

It is a medium problem because you might need to ask a teacher or a classmate for help to understand the assignment.


You forgot your homework and feel very anxious. When you walk into class you see your teacher talking to another student. You walk up to your teacher and say "I don't have my homework! I'm so sorry! Can I bring it tomorrow? You can call my mom if you think I'm lying."

What are 2 things you did wrong in this scenario?

- Did not greet

-Did not wait until the teacher was free

- Did not show student professionalism


Topic: Talking about pets.

Example Statement: Kyle says, “I have a dog and he loves to play fetch.”

What are two on topic comments or question you can say in response?

- Comments/Questions about Kyle's dog

-Comments/Question about your own pets/dogs/etc


Scenario: On the first day of school the teacher asks each student to briefly share about her summer. Each student talks for a minute or two. When it is Jessie's turn he begins describing each day of his summer break in detail.

Question: Is Jessie's response expected or unexpected? Why?

Unexpected. Jessie should have paid attention to how long others were talking. The teacher is doing a BRIEF introduction activity and likely needs the rest of the time to teach. When Jessie talks for so long it annoys his classmates and disrupts the teacher's time schedule.


True or False: Talking loudly or shouting during a conversation is acceptable if you’re excited about the topic.

False. It’s important to use a normal speaking volume to ensure everyone can hear and participate comfortably.


You are being teased or bullied by other students at school. Is this problem small, medium, or big? Why?

It is a big problem because it affects your safety and well-being. You should talk to a teacher, counselor, or another trusted adult to get help.


Your teacher announces she is having a baby to the class. Everyone claps and tells her congratulations and asks questions about the baby. Kelly raises her hand and asks the teacher, "Do you have a husband?"

Is there anything wrong with Kelly's question?

Yes; Kelly's question is too personal to ask a teacher. 

Kelly's teacher may not be married and feel bad that Kelly is asking her that question. Kelly's teacher might be uncomfortable sharing that information with a student.


Scenario: You are in a conversation about what everyone did over the weekend. Sam starts talking about how he got a new pet hamster on Saturday.

Question: Is Sam’s topic about their new pet on topic for a conversation about weekend activities?

Yes this is something he did over the weekend.


Scenario: During lunch, Mia talks about her weekend plans. She mentions going to a concert. 

Question: If Noah responds by saying, “You did bad on our last math test. You should spend more time studying instead of going to concerts.” is Noah’s comment expected or unexpected at lunch?

Unexpected. Noah could have kept that thought to himself because it is mean. He instead could of told Mia to "Have fun" or asked "Who are you going to see?" to stay on topic and give an expected response.


True or False: You should always respond immediately to someone’s question, even if you need more time to think.

False. It’s okay to take a moment to think about your response if you need more time.


You have lost your school bus pass and have no way to get home. Is this problem small, medium, or big? Why?

It is a big problem because you need help to find another way home and might need to contact your parents or a school official to resolve the situation.


A student has been annoying and bullying you. You finally decide to tell a teacher. You walk up to a teacher on yard duty and say "Aaron keeps bullying me. I don't like him. He needs to be suspended?"

Is your conversation starter expected or unexpected? Why?

- No greeting

- Is this the right person to tell?

- Lack of details; context

-Is this a good time to talk to the person


Dialogue: Sara says to Tom, “I had a great time with you at the amusement park yesterday.” 

What are two comments or questions Tom can say back?

- Anything related to the amusement park hangout

- Comments to plan another hangout with Sara


How do unexpected comments make other people feel?

Uncomfortable, angry, confused, annoyed, weirded out.

Making unexpected comments can cause your classmates or teachers to have negative thoughts about you.