Superhero Crossover
Coffee chats

1. Goal builds community through monthly thematic events to help students feel a sense of belonging on campus. 2. We invite industry professionals to provide advice on career readiness. 3. We provide curricular resources for students to achieve academic success.

 What are the three C's in Goal?


Students can walk back and forth to Paseo De San Antonio on a break from classes, and see milk, ice, lychee, and boba being blended into a cup.

  What is Gonga Cha?


One wears a suit of armor with advanced technology to fight crime. The other is a high school student who leads a double life in two films. They work together to protect the world from danger from a purple planet destroyer.

Who are Ironman and Spiderman?


She made history by becoming the first Black and Asian American Female Vice President of America.

 Who is Kamala Harris?


Taking online classes, learning new hobbies, and hopefully practicing self-care instead of going bonkers! 

How have you managed your time during the pandemic?


GOAL turns their members into turnkey-ready prospects for Silicon Valley recruiters, jobs, and internship opportunities.

How does GOAL help students be career ready?


While studying for classes, San Jose State University students can go here to get their late night snacks of burritos and other authentic Mexican food. 

What is La Victoria Taqueira (La Vics)?


In the ending scene of Batman VS Superman, a mysterious woman appeared to fight with Batman and Superman to defeat Doomsday.

Who is Wonderwoman?


This world-renowned physician received an award from San Jose State University for excellent communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is Dr. Anthony Fauci?


We just surpassed this number of deaths from COVID-19

What is 500,000?


It's a yearly conference held in Monterey Bay during the Spring. All-expense paid with beautiful scenery on the beach and opportunities for professional development

What is an Asilomar retreat?


You can go here to grab a quick burger and fries. It may be crowded, but the food is YUMMY!

What is Peanuts (restaurant)?


He is the first African superhero who uses highly advanced technology to fight crime. He crossed over in the Avengers film series to fight with the Avengers.

Who is Black Panther?


This stock skyrocketed because gamers, young people, and novice investors on Reddit found a way to beat the system and make a killing.

What is GameStop?


People who work from home every day for hours, students who attended virtual classes, work virtually, and participate in extra curricular activities all day and night, and those who attend constant meetings with no breaks.

What is Zoom fatigue?


Apprentices, Ambassadors, and Agents

What are the three levels of GOAL Leadership Team?


You can go here for happy hour, order an omelette, grab a late night snack, and still make it in time for your study group meeting across the street at the library.

What is Flames (restaurant)?


Capcom has made it an effort to create the biggest fighting and collaborated with Marvel comics on it.You can pick Wolverine, Storm, Ryu, Chun-Li, or Captain Marvel to fight.

What is Capcom Vs Marvel?


This young woman (perhaps future SJSU student!) became the center of climate change and recently won a Nobel Prize.

Who is Greta Von Thurberg?

American citizens received the stipend due to loss of income with companies closing, cutting back workers' hours, and laying them off altogether.

What was the stimulus check?


You sign up to participate, take, and complete many classes as you can based on your interest, earn certificates and badges, and hopefully ascend to the top of the leader board.

What is the LinkedIn Learning Challenge?


You can go here for their famous Mac 'n' cheese pizza and wash it down with a beverage.

What is Sammy G's Pizzeria?


He made cameos to appear in superhero solo films to assemble a team together for an alien invasion. He wears an eyepatch. He seems that he hasn't age despite being an old person.

Who is Samuel L. Jackson?


She was shot in the head, but survived and became a spokesperson for non-violence. She also visited SJSU some years back and spoke to the SJSU community.

Who is Malala?


It is the main thing to bring about herd immunity

What is the COVID-19 vaccine?