Details an organization's social media goals and the actions needed to achieve them
What is a Social Media Marketing Plan?
A continuous planning cycle
What is part of a social media plan?
Exposure, Engagement, Influence, Impact and Advocacy
What are the generic concepts of SMM?
The SMART acronym stands for
What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Delimited?
Monitoring the progress of a SMM plan
What is something social media marketers constantly do?
Overall goals
What is one way to determine overall strategies?
Sometimes called a roadmap
What is a SMM plan?
This never stops in the SMM planning cycle
What are the 8 steps of the cycle?
Being flexible
What is important to remember when setting goals and strategies?
Represents a strong framework for understanding SMM objectives and the metrics associated with them
What is the Valid Metrics Framework?
What is the first step in the SMM planning cycle?
Welcome audience participation, feedback and collaboration
What is a best practice for developing a social media strategy?
What is the ability to change opinion or behavior?
How to build advocates is part of
What is the Valid Metrics Framework?
Categorize, Comprehend, Converse, Collaborate, Contribute, Connect, Community and Convert
What are the Eight C's of Strategy Development?