Individual Goals
Goals in Review
Business Process
Goals Hodgepodge

The searchable task that takes a worker directly into edit mode for their individual goals

What is My Individual Goals?


This option allows goals that were automatically loaded into a review to be removed from the review, but only if they were added via the Carryover or Consolidate feature

What is the "Allow Delete of Previous Content" option?


This option prevents ad hoc updates to goals that are included in in-progress review events

What is "Lock Goals Associated with In Progress Reviews"?


In very general terms, this makes a worker available to be tagged in an Individual Goal's Activity stream comments

What is security on the worker's Individual Goals?


The business process invoked when editing or adding individual goals ad hoc

What is the Manage Goals business process?


Configuration task that allows customers to segregate the display of a worker’s Individual Goals into sections, based on Goal Template Rule conditions.

What is the “Configure Goal Template” task?


Feature that allows end-users to add text notes to Individual Goals.

What is Activity Stream?


These three options, which can be configured on Goals sections in Review templates, are the different ways of automatically loading existing goals into reviews

What are Carryover, Consolidate, and Load Relevant Goals


Task that allows customers to create tenanted goal status selections.

What is the "Maintain Goal Completion Statuses" task?


The two domains that secure access to Individual Goals

What are "Self-Service: Employee Goals" and "Worker Data: Employee Goals"


The business process that is automatically initiated by the Cascade Goals business process

What is the Manage Goals business process?


The four Workday delivered Goal Statuses

What are Not Started, Not Applicable, In Progress, and Completed?


Even if this goal attribute is enabled in the tenant, it will not be displayed if the goal's status is not "Completed"

What is Completed On/Completion Date?


The two optional filter settings in a review template that can be specified with the "Load Relevant Goals" feature

What are "Filter Relevant Goals by Category" and "Filter Relevant Goals by Goal Template Rule"


The four Workday delivered reports that can be optionally included for display in the My Goals and View Goals tasks.

What are Individual Goals, Archived Goals, Organization Goals, and Development Items?


This domain provides access to set up information related to Employee Goals.

What is the "Set Up: Goals" domain?


The two tasks that invoke the Cascade Goals business process

What are "Add Goal to Employees" and "Add Additional Employees to Goal"?


Other than the Organization itself, the Manage Organization Goals task requires that you specify this when initiating the task.

What is a Goal Period?


The three options from which end-users can select in the goals “Track By” attribute.

What are Amount, Percent, and Unit?


The fields that can be updated on a non-editable goal in employee evaluation events

What are weight, status, and completed date?


The three choices that can be enabled for selection in the Goals "Relates To" field.

What are Development Items, Feedback, and Competency?


This domain controls which contingent workers are eligible for employee reviews and goals

What is the "Performance and Goals: Contingent Worker Eligibility" domain?


For review events this action can also be performed by administrators, but for Manage Goals events this can only be done by assignees on "Approval" or "Review Goals" steps

What is a "Send Back" (to the initiation step)?


A component of the Financial Management > Project feature, these can be included as supporting components on Organization Goals

What are Initiatives?


The feature that allows the "Relates To" field to be available on Individual Goals.

What are Talent Tags for Goals?


When configuring the Goals section in a review template, these are the two options to be set for the Net Attainment feature

What are "Goal Payout Band" and "Generate Net Attainment"?


The task that allows customers to configure which reports are displayed by the My Goals and View Goals tasks, and the component that must be selected within that task to do so.

What are the "Configure Profile Group" task, and the "Goal for Goal Profile" component.


This is what grants permission to use the "Manage Organization Goals" task

What is security on the "Worker Data: Organization Goals" domain


Double Jeopardy:

Assignees working a Manage Goals "Approval" or "Review Goals" step can add more approvers to the event workflow, but only if security groups have been specified on this Action in the Manage Goals BP security policy.

What is "Ad Hoc Approve"


The two tasks that provide access to the reports displayed via the Goal for Goal Profile profile group, one being self-service, the other not

What are "My Goals" (self-service) and "View Goals" (for other workers)?