Goal Setting Basics
Vision vs. Goals
Steps to Achieve Goals
Vision Boards
Celebrating Progress

This is the first step in setting effective goals.

What is defining clear and specific goals?


Visions are often described as this compared to goals

What are inspirational and guiding?


This practice involves regularly reviewing your goals

What is staying focused?


What is a vision board?

A visual representation of a person's goals, dreams, and aspirations, often created with images, words, and symbols


What are some effective ways to celebrate milestones in SUD recovery?

Support group celebrations, public acknowledgment, self-care activities, and creating new traditions 


Writing down your goals helps in maintaining this.

What is focus?


The tangible outcomes you strive to achieve are known as these

What are goals?


Having this can provide valuable feedback and accountability

What is a coach or mentor? Also acceptable what is a support system?


What materials are commonly used to create a vision board?

Magazines, photographs, printed words, stickers, markers, and poster boards or cork boards


Why is celebrating progress important in the recovery process for individuals with SUD?

Celebrating progress helps individuals recognize their achievements, boosting self-esteem and motivation, and reinforces positive behaviors, making recovery efforts feel valued and reducing feelings of shame and guilt


Why is it important to regularly revisit and revise your goals?

What is to track progress, make adjustments as needed, and stay motivated.


How can setting SMART goals help in overcoming obstacles in SUD recovery?

SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) provide clear and attainable steps, making it easier to overcome challenges and track progress


A method to keep goals top of mind involves this daily habit.

What is writing down your goals and reviewing them?


How can creating a vision board benefit individuals in SUD recovery?

Creating a vision board can help individuals in SUD recovery by providing clarity on their goals, keeping them motivated, and serving as a constant reminder of their desired future


How can family and friends support the celebration of progress in someone’s SUD recovery?

Acknowledging achievements, participating in celebrations, offering encouragement, creating a positive environment, and being involved


This type of motivation comes from external rewards like money or praise.

What is extrinsic motivation?


Visions provide this kind of direction.

What is long-term and broad?


What is the difference between a goal and a vision?

A broad, long-term aspiration providing direction and inspiration, often focusing on the "why" behind efforts, compared to a specific, measurable, and time-bound objective that focuses on the "what" and "how" of actions.


Where should individuals place their vision boards for maximum impact?

In a location where they will see it daily, such as a bedroom wall, office, or near their workspace


What challenges might arise when celebrating progress, and how can they be addressed?

Triggers and temptations, feelings of undeservedness, comparison with others, overemphasis on milestones, and planning sober celebrations to avoid high-risk situations, promoting self-compassion, emphasizing personal growth, and encouraging balanced perspectives


What was the 1st goal quote given?


What are the characteristics of a vision?

What is ILTAF? (Inspiration, Long term orientation, Transformational, Alignment, and Flexible)


This is necessary to push through difficult times and stay on track with goals

What is self-discipline?


How can SUD counselors incorporate vision boards into their therapy sessions?

By guiding clients through the process of identifying their goals, helping them select meaningful images and words, and discussing how these representations align with their recovery journey


How can SUD counselors incorporate the celebration of progress into their treatment plans?

Setting clear goals, regular check-ins, incorporating rewards, highlighting strengths, and facilitating group celebrations