Not only did this English scientist create the universal law of Gravitation, he also invented Calculus.
Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
What MLB team has the most championships?
What is the Yankees?
This largest living bird may live 70 years
What is an ostrich?
In what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?
What is The Atlantic Ocean?
Which famous soft drink was invented in 1892?
What is Coca Cola?
The name for the path between Europe and China, along which goods were traded.
What is the SILK ROAD?
What NFL team hired the first cheerleaders in 1972?
Who are the Cowboys?
By volume, this gas makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.
What is nitrogen?
Which country is also called The Netherlands? (Double Jeopardy)
What is Holland. Double Jeopardy!
Which alcoholic drink is spelled with an āeā in the USA and Ireland, but without one in the rest of the world?
What is whiskey?
In 1910 Korea was annexed by this country that held it for the next 35 years.
What is Japan?
What player has the most career home runs?
Who is Barry Bonds?
The color of flamingos when they are born.
What is gray?
Pierre is the capital of what US state?
What is North Dakota?
What the official state pie of Florida?
What is Key Lime Pie?
Siddhartha Gautama is more commonly known by this name. (Double Jeopardy)
What is BUDDHA? Double Jeopardy!
What team has the most NBA championships?
What is the Celtics? Double Jeopardy!
With more than 9 million guests per year this is the most visited national park in the world.
What is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?
What is the name of the flattest state in the US?
What is Florida?
Which is the only US state that grows coffee beans?(Double Jeopardy)
What is Hawaii? Double Jeopardy!
The split in the Christian Church between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Cathoilc is known by this name.
What is the GREAT SCHISM?
What NFL team has the logo on their helmets that mean the flower of life?
Who are the Saints?
What kind of animal is called a kid? (Double Jeopardy)
What is a baby goat? Double Jeopardy!
How many stars are on the Australian flag?
What is 6?
Which is the oldest fast food restaurant?
What is White Castle?