The god of evil in egyptian myths.
Who is Set.
The goddess of night in greek myths.
Who is Nyx.
The goddess of revenge in roman myths.
Who is Invidia.
God of the Storm who faced off against the Hebrew God on Mt. Carmel.
Who is Ba'al
This is why we can see the light of stars (even ones millions of light years away) even though the Bible indicates that the world not that old.
Why did God create light (day 1) before He created the stars (day 4)?
The god of crocodiles in egyptian myths.
Who is Sobek.
The goddess of the hunt and moon in greek myths.
Who is Artermis
The goddess of fortune and good luck in roman myths.
Who is Fortuna.
Goddess of Fertility who's followers erected ornamental poles in her honour.
Who is Asherah?
This is how God decides what is Tov (good) and what is (evil).
Based on how something aligns with Him. Tov (good) means alignment with God.
The goddess of cats in egyptian myths.
Who is Bast
The goddess of the hearth, home, and family in greek myths.
Who is Hestia.
The goddess of agriculture in roman myths.
Who is Ceres.
Fertility god who demanded child sacrifice to release the harvest.
Who is Molech or Chemosh?
Noah was commanded to build an ark to help "who" survive "this".
What are God-fearing people and animals from the flood?
The god of war in egyptian myths.
Who is Horus.
The god of the sea and ocean in greek myths.
Who is Poseidon.
The goddess of war in roman myths.
Who is Bellona.
The war goddesses of the Canaanite people.
Who are Anat and Astarte?
Hananiah, Meshael, and Azariah were condemned to be burned alive in a furnace for refusing to violate this Commandment from God.
What is "you shall not worship other gods"?
The god of the sun and order in egyptian myths.
Who is Ra.
The god of weather and the king of the gods in greek myths
Who is Zeus.
The god of wine and revelry in roman myths.
Who is Bacchus.
The normal locations for god worship in the Canaanite lands.
What are High places?
This being perfectly solved God's "problem" of loving and wanting to save free-will beings without forcing them to be saved... who are scattered across the world... and throughout history.
Who is Jesus?