Temptation and Sin are not the same thing.
True - Temptation is the desire to sin. Sin is the doing the act. James 1:14,15
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from:
a. Filth of the flesh
b. All sins
c. Evil thinking
b. All sins - 1 John 2:1,2
W_t_out me you can do
Without, nothing - John 15:5
htiaf eutriv
faith virtue
Wade in the w_t_r. God gonna trouble the water.
Wade in the water.
God is there when we are going through tough times.
The blood of Christ cleanses us from "some" sins.
False. The blood of Christ cleanses us from "all" sin. 1 John 1:9 confess our sins and He will forgive us.
It is important that when we sin we:
a. pray
b. repent
c. confess
d. all of the above
d. all of the above. 1 John 1:9
For the wa_g_s of sin is _eath, but the gift of God is e_er_al life.
wages, death, eternal -
Romans 6:23
egdelwonk ecnarepmet
knowledge temperance
I shall not be m_ved.
Like the tree planted by the water.
We will stand firm on God's word.
The word of God will help build you up.
True - Acts 20:32 - God word encourages and lights our path.
When someone sins against us, what should we do?
a. Forgive them
b. Ignore them
c. Talk bad about them
a. Forgive them - Colossians 3:13
As a new C_rist_a_ you are new _reat_ _n in Christ Jesus.
Christian, creation -
2 Corinthians 5:17
ecnitap ssenildog
patience godliness
When the s_ _ _ _ _ go marching in.
a joyful celebration of going to heaven
One of the worst things you can do is fall away from the church and stay away.
True -Revelations 2:10-miss out on receiving the crown of life
One thing that can help cause you to sin is:
a. Coming to worship every Sunday.
b. Studying the bible.
c. Being around people that are not good according to the bible.
c. Being around people that are not good according to the bible. 1 Corinthians 15:33
It takes t_m_ to _r_w in God's w_r_ as a Christian.
time, grow, word, - 1 Peter 3:18
ylrehtorb ssendik ytirahc
brotherly kindness charity
Amazing _ _ _ _ _ how sweet the song that saved a wretch like me.
We received an undeserved gift from God, his Son who died for us so our sins can be forgiven.
The are 8 virtues that will help keep us from falling.
True 2 Peter 2:1-10 we must keep adding/improving
What does God do when we come to him and ask for repentance of sin.
a. He will always remember or sin.
If you fall (sin) don't g_v_ u_.
G_t _p and do what God will have you to do.
give up, Get up Matthew 24:13
Do these things you shall never fall
Go down M_ _ _ _ way down in Egypt land.