What's one way you can strengthen your daily prayer and scripture study?
- Pray before you read the scriptures
- Set aside some time to pray
- Ponder
- Set aside some time to read your scriptures
Think of someone you know who is struggling. How can you help them this week?
*Answers will vary*
Who is someone you can invite to learn more about the gospel? (Must name a specific person by name)
- friends
- family
- Those who are inactive
What can you do to strengthen your family relationships this week?
- Invite them to do something with you
- perform an act of service
- communicate feelings when stressed
*Answers will vary
Describe a time when you served someone in need. How did it make you feel?
Has to be serious
-Answers will vary
What is one simple way you can share your testimony this week?
- Be an example
- Invite someone to church/activity
Think about an ancestor you would like to learn more about. Who would it be? Why? What can you do to honor their memory?
What is one commandment you want to work on better keeping this week? Why?
*Answers will vary but have to answer both parts of the question
What is one simple act of service you can do this week for someone around you?
- Help someone at school
- do chores
- talk to someone you haven't before
How can you make the gospel more accessible to someone who might be struggling?
- Being the light for them
- Explaining or sharing a message from the Prophet, apostles, or what you learned from a talk or in a lesson
Describe a family tradition that helps strengthen your relationship with God.
Answers will vary.