Daily life
Places and addresses
Travel and transportation
Culture and celebrations

What is Daily life?

Everyday life or routine life includes the ways in which people tend to act, think and feel on a daily basis.


What is an address?

Is a complete identification of the recipient of an email


What is nature?

La naturaleza es un concepto utilizado para referirse al mundo material o universo material, incluyendo los fenómenos del mundo físico.Todo ser vivo mas parecido a animal o planta


What types of transportation are there?

Land Transport (car, bus), Air Transport (plane, helicopter), Maritime Transport (cargo ships, boats, boats). Etc


What are the festivities?

The holiday is a business day or is not a business day


What do you do in Daily life?

Daily routines, activities at home and at school.


What is a place?

It is a municipality smaller than a town and larger than a village


What is there most in nature?

Good climate, the animals, the plants.


What are transports?

Transportation is a set of processes that have the purpose of movement and communication.


What is the most common thing to do in other cultures?

Festivals, cultural traditions, parties, and eating traditional food from there


What is it to have a Daily life?

Daily life takes place in a social space whose organization is defined by its inhabitants and their particularities of life.


Why is it important to learn your address?

To ask for help, to go somewhere, or to send something like a package


How we can protect the environment?

We can grow our own food,plant trees,save water, separate garbage correctly, etc.


Why are transportation important?

Because it is essential to support economic growth, create jobs and connect people to essential services, such as health care or education.


Why are cultures important?

Culture allows us to discover countless artistic expressions that over the years have become elements of economic growth, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life.


Why is it important to have a Daily life?

Because it is the place for the meeting of subjects, for social interaction, communication, negotiations, as well as for conflict and struggles for power.


Why do you occupy an address?

To guide cars and other vehicles, or yourself, and to know where you are


What is nature for?

Nature contributes greatly to protecting us and sustaining our daily lives.


Why do we travel?

Traveling gives the opportunity to see how other people live, to learn about other customs, another culture, gastronomy, traditions, music.


How do cultures help us?

Culture helps us manifest our talents, our sensitivities, our abilities.


What can you do to get the best Daily life?

Doing physical activity,contact with nature, incorporate fruits and vegetables,active,optimistic life with good humor.


What do you normally answer when asked about a specific place?

I tell them the location and address, recommend and why, etc.


Why do we need nature?

Because it provides us with clean air and drinking water, clothing, food and raw materials that we use to protect ourselves.


How you can travel on a trip or to another place, and how to be able to relate well in another country that is not your language?

With means of transportation such as. plane, bus, taxi or car, and learning the vocabulary and respecting it as usual


What is a culture?

It is a polysemous term