What year was Virginia City founded?
What year was the "Big Die-Up?"
Winter of 1886-1887
What was Helenas name before?
Last Chace Gulch
Who founded the town of Bozeman?
John Bozeman
Who were the first people in Montana?
How many people lived in Virginia City in 1864?
5,000-10,000 people
Who were the vigilantes in Eastern Montana?
Stuarts Stranglers
Who made the first claim?
What fort protected Bozeman?
Fort Ellis
The 1,000 mile march to Oklahoma
The Trail of Tears
How long was Virginia City the territoral capital?
10 years
What invention closed off the Open Range?
Barbed Wire
What years was Helena the Territoral Capital?
Nelson Story
He established Fort Raymond with John Colter
Manuel Lisa
Who bacme one of the leaders of the Vigilantes?
Nelson Story
What was Stuarts first name?
Helena had the most ______ people in America.
What industry was in Bozeman?
The failed first English Colony
What is the meaning of 3-7-77
What percentage of cattle died during the winter of 1886-87?
Estimated 80%
What railroad started just south of Helena?
The Jawbone
How did John Bozeman die?
Killed by his business partner
Outlined where native tribes could be.
Fort Laramie Treaty 1851