Chapter 3 Pt. 1
Chapter 3 Pt. 2
Chapter 4 Pt. 1
Chapter 4 Pt. 2
Figurative Language

Turn to page 45. What is Ranofer's new plan to stop his brother's stealing?

He will tell Ibni he does not want his wine and refuse to take it home.


Turn to page 56. How does Ranofer's happiness affect the others working in the goldshop?

"...contagion of laughter and joking swept over the whole courtyard. Even the First Craftsman ceased to scowl..." (page 56)


Turn to pages 61-62. What does Ranofer think he here's in the middle of the night? What did it bring him?

Ranofer thinks he heard his father's ba in the middle of the night. He thinks he brought Ranofer a new plan.


Turn to page 73. What does Ranofer overhear Gebu and Wenamon talk about in regards to the wineskins?

Gebu remarks "though it is of small importance now."


Read the sentence below.

Behind him the gate swung shut with a click like the jaws of a crocodile closing.

Identify the figurative language being used and how you know.

It is a simile. It is comparing the gate swinging shut to the jaws of a crocodile closing.


Turn to pages 46-47. Who does Ranofer see outside the Apprentices Quarters? What does this person offer Ranofer?

Ranofer sees Heqet outside the apprentice's quarters and Heqet offers him a fig.


Turn to pages 56-57. Who does Ranofer run into? How does Ranofer react to this person? Why does he do this?

Ranofer runs into Ibni and he tells him that Gebu does not want his wine. He does this to try and stop the gold from going missing in the goldshop.


Turn to pages 62-63. Where does Ranofer go before he goes to work that day and why? 

Ranofer goes to his father's tomb to thank him for giving him a new plan to stop the gold stealing.


Turn to pages 73-74. What does Gebu give Ranofer for bringing home the wineskins? Why does he give him this?

Gebu gives Ranofer a copper ring coin after bringing home the wineskins. He gives him this so Ranofer can go buy food.


Read the sentence below.

Pang! Pong! Pang! Once more, the sour notes of the hammer offended Ranofer's practice ear.

Identify the figurative language being used and how you know.

Onomatopoeia. "Pang! Pong! Pang!" is a word that represents a sound.


Turn to pages 49-50. Why was Ranofer embarrassed by Rekh? What does this reveal about Ranofer's character?

Ranofer is embarrased by Rekh because Ranofer was corrected by Rekh on how to properly do his job. 

This shows that Ranofer is very prideful in what he does as making mistakes like this makes him look ignorant.


Turn to page 59. How does Gebu react to Ranofer not bringing home the wineskins? Does the way he reacted surprise you? Use details from the text to support your thinking.

Gebu beats Ranofer for not bringing home the wineskins. The way he reacted did not surprise me because he has hit Ranofer multiple times in the earlier chapters and he starves him often.


Turn to pages 66-67. Find 2-3 details from the text that shows Ranofer that Heqet is trustworthy.

-He helped his father tally the mistresses' cupboard, jewelry, and other gold accessories.

-took delicacies to the master without stealing any.

-His dad whispered a secret to him to see if he would blab it to another.


Look at pages 59-60 and pages 73-74. Compare and contrast Gebu's actions at the end of chapter three to the end of chapter four.

Chapter three: Gebu beats Ranofer and threatens to apprentice Ranofer to himself. Doesn't feed him.

Chapter four: Gebu gives Ranofer a coin to buy food. Treats him kindly.


Read the sentence below.

The metal bowl sang notes of beauty after being shaped correctly.

Identify the figurative language being used and how you know.

Personification. Metal bowls cannot sing. That is a human action.

Alliteration... (repetition of the "b" sound. bowl, beauty, being)


Turn to pages 50-51. Why might Ranofer feel honored to be asked to show Heqet how to make coal?

Sample response: Ranofer might feel honored because he is able to show his skill and practice with another, putting him in a position of power he usual is not in.


Turn to page 60. What does Gebu threaten to do to Ranofer if he did not bring the wineskins home again? How might this change to story if this went through? 

Gebu threatened to make Ranofer an apprentice at Gebu's stonecutting shop. 

Answers may vary.


Turn to pages 68-71. What does Ranofer reveal to Heqet as they work? What is the new plan both boys agree to? How is Ibni stealing gold from the goldshop.

Ranofer reveals who is stealing gold from the goldhouse. 

The new plan is that Heqet will tell Rekh who is stealing the gold.

Ibni is hiding the wineskin in some cranny and is stealing a little bit at a time from the vats.


Look at page 24. How has Ranofer and Heqet's friendship changed since chapter one? Use 2-3 details to support your thinking

Ranofer went from, scolding/yelling at Heqet for asking too many personal questions to telling Heqet everything he knows about the missing gold. 


Read the sentence below.

Ranofer's hasty protests were cut short by a dismal growling from his empty belly, which felt even vaster than the temple of Amon this morning.

Identify the figurative language being used and how you know.

Hyperbole. His hunger is being exaggerated.

Metaphor. Comparing his empty stomach to a large, empty temple.


Turn to pages 52-55. Why does Rekh allow Ranofer to make one leaf out of gold after helping Meryra? Why is Ranofer so happy to be allowed to make fifty leaves after proving himself?

Rekh allows Ranofer to make on leaf out of gold because it's clear he knows something about gold. Ranofer is happy to make the leaves since he might get recognized by royalty and he is allowed to work with what he loves most.


What internal conflict is Ranofer facing at the end of chapter 3?

Ranofer is struggling about doing what's right and having to do what's wrong. 

He knows he should stop the stealing, but it may result in him losing the job he likes or getting physically punished.


How is Heqet's involvement in this new plan more beneficial and effective for Ranofer? 

This plan is better since Rekh will believe Heqet more as he is an apprentice and Ranofer will be able to feign innocence should something happen to Ibni.


What role does the setting of the goldsmith’s shop play in Ranofer’s development as a character?

Think about: How does Ranofer's job in the goldshop make him feel? How does Ranofer react anytime Rekh realizes gold is still going missing?

The goldsmith’s shop is a place of both inspiration and frustration for Ranofer. It represents his potential for a better life, but it also symbolizes his feeling of being stuck in a lowly position, which pushes him to consider taking action to change his fate.


Turn to page 70. Read the paragraph starting with "'What would anyone do with a tool..." After reading the paragraph, identify the figurative language being used and how you know.

It is a metaphor.