This is what BNI is short for
What Business Network International?
Dawne Brooks-Gulla
Who owns the Central Virginia BNI franchise?
It was the original name of the Golden Goose Chapter
What is Deep Run BNI?
Patrick Henry gave his famous quote here
What is St John's Church
The name of the little dot over the lower case 'i' and 'j'.
What is a 'tittle'?
This man founded BNI and is to thank for you getting up every Tuesday at the crack of dawn.
Who is Dr. Ivan Misner?
What is the primary philosophy that drives success in BNI?
What is 'Givers Gain'?
Who is Harry Michalowski?
The number of US Presidents born in Virginia
What is 8?
The number of black keys found on a traditional piano
What is 32?
The proper "thank you" for a BNI referral
What is TYFCB?
What is the term for the referral tracking system used by BNI members to record and measure referrals given and received?
What is BNI Connect?
They are getting married this year....although not to each other.
Who are Allison Bennett and Jay Rose?
The state fish of Virginia
What is a brook trout?
A group of flamingos is called this.
What is a flamboyance?
What is Chapter Education Unit?
The current CEO of BNI
Who is Mary Kennedy Thompson?
He shops around, so you don't have to!
Who is Mike Little?
Animals that swam in the lobby pool at the Jefferson Hotel in the 30s and 40s
What are alligators?
The month when Earth is closest to the sun
What is January?
Present, Absent, Late, Medical, Sub
What does PALMS stand for?
It is the year the first BNI meeting was held
What is 1985?
Has a dog named Picard
Who is Aubrey Brown?
The official flower of the city of Richmond
What is the Iris?
The only major city located on two continents
What is Istanbul?