Joseph’s scribe
Oliver cowdrey
Book of Mormon translation location
Witmer farm fayette ny
A means to death
Labans sword
Church restored
April 6 1830
Blessed for their sacrifice, an Angel appeared with a special gift
Mary witmer
Place of Joseph’s and Oliver’s baptism
Susquehanna river
A nephite compass
Moroni’s first visit
September 21, 1823
Hindering the visions progress
Martin Harris
Book of Mormon printing shop
Grandin press
Unique spectacles
Urim and thumim, interpreters
Priesthood restored
May 15, 1829
Name 4 of the 8 witnesses
Joseph sr, John, hyrum, Peter
Location of the 8 witnesses vision
Sacred grove in Manchester
Protective covering
Breast plate
First vision month and year
Spring 1820