How old do you need to be to get instagram in Danemark?
Tou need to be 13 years old.
Name one good thing about social media from our powerpoint.
Learning new things, Communicating or Entertainment
Name one bad thing about social media from our powerpoint?
Wrong news, Negative comments on pictures or Getting addicted.
Which country has the highest age limits on social media?
It is Australia.
What is the netiquette rules about?
That you need to act respectful on social media?
What does FOMO stand for?
FOMO stands for fear of missing out.
How old do you need to be to get any form of social media in Australia?
You need to be 16 years old.
What is the difference between a troll and a cyberbully?
A cyberbully attacks personally, and a troll attacks a group of people.
At what age does the children need to ask permission from their parents to get social media in Germany?
Its between the age of 13 to 16 years old.
What is the number 1 rule of netiquette?
It is "remember the human".