Food Origins
Bad Food
Carb, Protein, Fat


What is the United States?

While cakes have been around for centuries, cupcakes first came around in the 19th century, courtesy of the USA. The idea behind making tiny cakes was elaborated in 'American Cookery', a 1796 cookbook by Amelia Simmons. The word 'cupcake' itself did not come about until 1828 when celebrated author and cooking expert Eliza Leslie published her cookbook 'Receipts', which included the recipe for the first cupcake.



Chocolate made from cacao is rich in flavonoids, which appear to have beneficial effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, blood flow, and other heart risks. Still, it's important to eat chocolate in moderation because it is also high in sugar and fats. Chocolate is also toxic for dogs because it contains a chemical called theobromine, as well as caffeine. Cocoa powder has the highest theobromine content of all chocolate varieties and is therefore the most harmful for dogs, speeding up their heart rate and stimulating their nervous system.



What is a carb.


Sugar is bad.

Our body needs fuel, however high-sugar diets have been associated with an increased risk of many diseases including heart disease. Sugar does not provide any vitamins or minerals.


What percentage of cucumber makeup is water?

What is 96%? For every 100 grams of cucumber, about 96 grams are actually water. The remaining 4% consists of various nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Next time you're feeling dehydrated and don't feel like drinking water, try snacking on some cucumbers.



What is Hamburg, Germany.

By the 19th century, beef from German Hamburg cows was minced and combined with garlic, onions, salt and pepper, then formed into patties (without bread or a bun) to make Hamburg steaks. These early burgers were considered gourmet and were quite pricey, given the quality of Hamburg beef. 

And, in fact, the concept of minced beef likely predates Hamburg, according to some. It could be no more than urban legend, but some contend that Mongol horsemen first ate a similar style of beef—steak tartare, in the 12th century. The trend made its way through the trade routes via Russia before landing in Germany.



Not all fats are bad for us. Some fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, can help increase satiety (feeling of fulness), boost metabolism, protect against heart disease, and improve vitamin absorption.



What is a fat and carb.


The idiom "extend the olive branch" first appeared in ancient times and has biblical origins.

True. The Old Testament story of Noah and the flood ends with a sign that the flood is over: an olive branch brought back to the ark by a dove.

The term is typically used to symbolize an offer of peace or settlement or willingness to end conflict. 


The federal agency responsible for regulating, food, electronics, biologics, medical devices, drugs and more.

What is the FDA?



What is Iran, Greece, Mesopotamia.



The claim that MSG is bad for you is not supported by scientific research. Based on available literature, further clinical and epidemiological studies are needed to assess links of its use to increased pain sensitivity.



What is a carb and a protein.


*Tomatoes are fruit.

True. Tomatoes are botanically defined as fruits because they form from a flower and contain seeds. Tomatoes are most often utilized like a vegetable in cooking. Tomatoes, plums, zucchinis, and melons are all considered edible fruits.


The name of this common street food found all throughout Latin America translates to the name of an instrument in the Spanish language

What are flautas?

Their name translates to 'flute' in Spanish. Flautas are thin, rolled-up, flute-like flour tortillas typically filled with chicken or beef and deep-fried until golden and crispy. The flautas are then garnished with sauces and other toppings.


From where did Darjeeling tea originate?

What is Darjeeling, India.



Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye that can cause health problems for people who have celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or wheat allergy. These conditions can cause various symptoms such as digestive issues. For most people, gluten is safe to eat.



What is a fat.


There is an ideal time to drink kombucha?


On an empty stomach, you will enhance its detoxifying effect. Before or after meals, it will improve your digestion thanks to its natural probiotics.



The term for food that meet social, economic and environmental standards that both companies and farmers and workers must adhere to. 

What is Fair Trade?


French Fries

What is Belgium, France, Spain

French fries were almost certainly a product of street cooking, without any reliable originators. What we do know is that probably the first variation of the French fry was the Francophone ‘pomme frites’ or ‘fried potato.’ According to historians, French fries may just as easily have been a Belgian dish as a French dish. 

Historians also claim potatoes were introduced to Europe by the Spanish and so the Spanish might have had their own version of the fried potato. 

The patatas bravas of Spain, with their irregularly cut home-style fries, might be the oldest version of French fries that we have, although, of course, it does not much resemble the ones that we are familiar with today.



Adaptogens help the body’s internal systems build resilience for long-term wellness rather than providing a quick fix. For example, you might react to feelings of tiredness or fatigue by reaching for sugar, coffee or other stimulants. While these might help in the short term, they may actually deplete your energy over time. On the other hand, Rhodiola and ginseng can help slowly build up your body’s ability to ward off fatigue. 

Adaptogenics are not universally applicable. Don’t take an adaptogen just because your best friend took it—adaptogens can react differently from person to person, so research could work best for your health. 

They are better in lower doses. Taking larger doses in a single sitting may result in adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness or headaches.


Milk, Yogurt & Cheese

What is a protein and a fat.


Metabolism is solely influenced by exercise?


Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning.

The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism.

Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors – including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function.



America's National Fruit

What is blueberry?