The United Sates imports agricultural product from different countries. Which country supplies the greatest amount of our imports?
What is Mexico and Canada
Nobody's Perfect, I am lactose intolerant.
Hannah Montana
What is a carb.
Sugar is bad.
Our body needs fuel, however high-sugar diets have been associated with an increased risk of many diseases including heart disease. Sugar does not provide any vitamins or minerals.
Fruit is considered a part of a healthy diet however the amount of sugar in fruit can affect people differently (i.e. diabetes, fruit protein allergies, auto-immune disorders)
The percentage of water in a cucumber
What is 96%? For every 100 grams of cucumber, about 96 grams are actually water. The remaining 4% consists of various nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Next time you're feeling dehydrated and don't feel like drinking water, try snacking on some cucumbers.
Name 3 of the top 10 agriculture-producing States in terms of cash receipts in calendar year 2023.
(In descending order)
California, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, Indiana, North Carolina, and Missouri.
This America's Next Top Model Host isn't saying smize to dairy.
Tyra Banks
What is a fat and carb.
The idiom "extend the olive branch" first appeared in ancient times and has biblical origins.
True. The Old Testament story of Noah and the flood ends with a sign that the flood is over: an olive branch brought back to the ark by a dove.
The term is typically used to symbolize an offer of peace or settlement or willingness to end conflict.
The federal agency responsible for regulating, food, electronics, biologics, medical devices, drugs and more.
What is the FDA?
The two types of natural resources and an example of each.
Renewable and Naan-Renewable
plants, animals, insects, or wind
oil, coal, minerals, or rocks
Non-dairy milk might be the New Girl on the block, but this actress was the original.
Zooey Deschanel
What is a carb and a protein.
Tomatoes are fruit.
True. Tomatoes are botanically defined as fruits because they form from a flower and contain seeds. Tomatoes are most often utilized like a vegetable in cooking. Tomatoes, plums, zucchinis, and melons are all considered edible fruits.
The difference between horticulture and agriculture.
Scale; horticulture is smaller scale than agriculture.
The US bill passed in 1933 to ensure fair food prices, an adequate food supply and the sustainability of natural resources?
What is the Farm Bill
Imagine a dairy-free Whoopie pie. This actress would surely bring these to the next choir rehearsal!
Whoopi Goldberg
What is a fat.
There is an ideal time to drink kombucha?
On an empty stomach, you will enhance its detoxifying effect. Before or after meals, it will improve your digestion thanks to its natural probiotics.
The term for food that meet social, economic and environmental standards that both companies and farmers and workers must adhere to.
What is Fair Trade?
Significance of the Black Belt as it relates to US history and agriculture.
Booker T. Washington wrote in his 1901 autobiography,
I have often been asked to define the term "Black Belt". So far as I can learn, the term was first used to designate a part of the country which was distinguished by the colour of the soil. The part of the country possessing this thick, dark, and naturally rich soil was, of course, the part of the South where the slaves were most profitable, and consequently they were taken there in the largest numbers. Later, and especially since the war, the term seems to be used wholly in a political sense—that is, to designate the counties where the black people outnumber the white.
Washington, Booker T. (1901). Up From Slavery. Retrieved January 26, 2020.
If you want to go fast, go vegan, if you want to go far Switch4Good
Lewis Hamilton
Milk, Yogurt & Cheese
What is a protein and a fat.
Metabolism is solely influenced by exercise?
Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning.
The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism.
Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors – including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function.
America's National Fruit
What is blueberry?