Discrimination against disabled people
Discrimination in the medical field
Les maladies neurologiques qui sont le plus discriminantes?


Where can kids learn this type of behavior?

Often They learn this type of behavior from someone else. Such as teachers, parents, friends, even random strangers, etc…


Do women get less medical care then men? If so why?

Research shows that in general, women get worse medical care than men. Diseases that affect women more than men aren’t as well researched. They’re usually not taken as seriously by medical professionals. 


What do we have to change?

We need to stop discrimination. Discriminationcan be because of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. 


Nomme 2 autre maladie neurologique ou pas qui son discrminantes sauf l'autisme?

les personnes qui ont des handicaps dû à l’asthme, les difficultés quand ils parlent, l’acné, la dépression, le diabète, des personnes handicapées et les personnes qui ont l'air différentes sont les plus sujet à la discrimination.


What are some reasons people discriminate not including health issues?

Reasons people are discriminated against are:

  • Employment related 

  • Problems when trying to access social and educational services 

  • Child custody issues

  • Problems with insurance companies

  • Issues with landlords

  • Problems with violence 


What is the effect of this problem?

Discrimination can make people poorer and can cause depression, anxiety, psychological stress and much more.


Define change?

To make (someone or something) different from what is was before.


Quelle est le maladie neurologique qui est le plus discriminantes? 

L'austisme est le maladie le plus discriminante.


What is one of the main reasons someone discriminates?

Some reasons are that people think of other people as weird or abnormal or they can be uncofterble around them.


How does discrimination restrict people with disabilities in everyday life?

People with disabilities get discriminated against every day. For example, they are mostly not allowed to be included in school and work, to vote, to participate in sport, to let or not get medical treatment and to open a bank account or to inherit or buy a house.


Name 3 ways you can change?

  • Employ People with Disabilities

  • Make Disability Representation good in public

  • teach Disability History in School Promote Social Inclusion in Schools

  • Like, Follow, subscribe, to Actors with Disabilities in Mainstream Media

  • give College Scholarships to Athletes with Disabilities

  • Make Air Travel Accessible for people with physical disabilities.

  • Acknowledge that Police Brutality Occurs on People with Disabilities

  • Realize that People with disabilities are Humans too

There are many more ways to help with disability discrimination.


Combien de niveaux de sévérité l'autisme a-t-il?

Il ya 3 niveaux de sévérité de l’autisme.


What can make a big impact on how you identify someone?

The environment you live in makes a big impact on how you think of others.


How many workers are comfortable talking about their medical issues?

only about one in five workers were completely comfortable talking about their medical issues.


How can we reduce stigma?

Research shows that knowing or having contact with someone with mental illness is one of the best ways to take away stigma. People speaking out and sharing their stories can have a positive impact. When we know someone with mental illness, it becomes less scary and more relatable.


Qu'est-ce que "soutien 1:1"?

C'est-à-dire la présence d'un adulte avec lui en tout temps


Name 2 ways people can discriminate against people with disabilities?

  • It can happen when people specifically exclude people with disabilities from getting extra stuff. 

  • Discrimination can also happen when people won't let people with disabilities get involved because of extra burdens without a real reason. For example not allowing them to play sports. 

  • Discrimination can also happen “indirectly” such as telling someone then they tell someone else and so on. It can be passed through another person or organization.

  • etc...


There are many celebrities who have shared their stories about their health problems such as? 

Demi Lovato, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Michael Phelps, Taraji P, Henson and Lady Gaga and many more have shared their stories of health challenges.


What is the strongest way to reduce discrimination in the world?

The strongest way to take away discrimination would be living and experiencing mental illness for a long time, then sharing your stories. You can share other people's stories too.


Nomme les 3 niveaux de sévérité de l'autisme?

Niveau 1:  Communication sociale

Niveau 2 : nécessite un soutien important

Niveau 3 : nécessite un soutien très important