Who is Josh Kellogg?
Alma Mater
Let me plant one on ya!
Graze Anatomy
Keep your ion the prize

Oski the Bear is the mascot of this school that Dr. Kellogg calls his Alma Mater.

What is University of California Berkeley?


This word describing Penn State’s Lions comes from an Algonquian term meaning “single mountain.”

What is Nittany?


This water-insoluble substance is secreted by many plants in response to external damage and often used in plant medicines.

What is resin?


According to the AKC, this dog breed was named second most popular in America in 2021 , just behind Labrador Retrievers.

What is the French Bulldog?


These two pieces of glassware, named after their inventors,  work to separate solids from liquids after a plant maceration. 

What is Erlenmeyer flask and Buchner funnel?


Not to be confused with his Halloween costume, this animal is Dr. K's favorite sea creature (according to the K Lab Directory).

What is octopus?


It was Penn State's original mascot, before 1907. He helped build the original Old Main, and his remains can be found on display at the HUB.

What is a mule named Old Coaly?


This saprophytic fungi found in PA, is known for its role in research for neurodegenerative diseases.

What is Lion's Mane?


A Russian Blue is this type of animal.

What is a cat?


This solvent with molecular formula C6H14,  is used in K-lab extractions to partition out non-polar compounds from plants. 

What is Hexane?


The names of Dr. K's adorable daughters.

Who are Izzie and Ellie?


Famous boy band that shot their MV at the Bryce Jordan Center in 2000.

What is the Backstreet Boys?


Withanolides, are the steroidal lactones known for their hepatoprotective properties in this Solanaceous plant.

What is Ashawagandha?


This disease common to felines and canines is treated by special shampoos, ointment designed to kill fungi, and oral medication if infection persists.

What is ringworm?


From the French word for "little tubes", this tool uses suction to transfer small amounts of liquid.

What is pipette?


Josh is listed as an author on this many publications with goldenseal listed in the title. 

What is 4?


The original Penn State colors.

What is pink and black?


Iso-humulone and lupulone are the two main bitter constituents in this plant. (hint: used in beverages)

What is Hops (Humulus lupulus)?


In the 1950s, Idaho relocated these amphibious rodents by dropping them out of airplanes using parachutes.

What is beaver?


Originally indicated for the treatment of typhoid, this product is now used as an experimental control in our lab.

What is chloramphenicol?


If Dr. K can only choose 3 film soundtracks for the rest of his life, he would choose: ----, ----, and ---. 
Name 1 film title.

What is Groove/Almost Famous/Princess Mononoke?


In 1925, Penn State purchased these animals for $32 in hopes that they will multiply and become a "charm of the campus".

What is squirrels?


Grayanotoxins are found in this flower which should be avoided as medicine and food, despite serving as the state flower of PA.

What is Mountain Laurel?


The bone commonly called the "funny bone" on humans.

What is Olecranon?


Water-soluable compounds would elute first in this type of HPLC system.

What is reverse-phase?