Active Voice
Needless Words
Sentence Construction
Smothered Verbs
The reports were published by the Government Accountability Office.
The Government Accountability Office published the reports.
There are a number of issues and questions that the study will address.
The study will address a number of issues and questions. [-3 words]
As a result of tests, which were completed, the parts were ordered.
As a result of completed tests, the parts were ordered.
Various agencies have made different interpretations of the regulations.
Various agencies have interpreted the regulations differently.
It was our objective to review the program to evaluate the demand for the procured equipment.
We reviewed the program to evaluate the demand for procured equipment.
It was a Congressional requirement that the agency submit its budget justification by the end of the fiscal year.
Congress required the agency to submit its budget justification by the end of the fiscal year.
This is a program that provides military personnel with counseling services.
This program provides military personnel with counseling services. [-3 words]
The agency’s decision, disclosed in testimony to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, drew sharp criticism from members of Congress.
The agency's decision drew sharp criticism from members of Congress after it was disclosed to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
The Office of Inspector General conducted an investigation of the incident and came to the conclusion that the agency had been in violation of regulations.
After it investigated the incident, the Office of Inspector General concluded that the agency had violated regulations.
The stated policy established by the Department of Energy is to hold public hearings before making a consideration of nuclear waste sites.
The Department of Energy's policy is to hold public hearings before deciding on a nuclear waste site.
Policies concerning federal employment are regulated by the Office of Personnel Management.
The Office of Personnel Management regulates policies concerning federal employment.
The reason why costs have escalated is that the proper control measures were not applied.
Costs escalated because the proper control measures were not applied. [-5 words]
The contractor, according to the Office of Inspector General’s report on computer acquisitions, determined that millions of dollars in cost savings were possible.
According to the Office of Inspector General's report on computer acquisitions, the contractor determined that millions of dolalrs in cost savings were possible.
Because no one had an objection, the committee passed a resolution to provide funding for the program.
Because no one objected, the committee resolved to fund the program.
DOD developed GPS to support military missions and functions. [Note: First time acronyms used.]
The Department of Defense (DOD) developed the Global Positioning System (GPS) to support military missions.
The new procedures were outlined by the Program Director, and they were carried out by the Assistant Director.
The Program Director outlined the new procedures, and the Assistant Director carried them out.
The following summary is intended to highlight certain information contained elsewhere in this report.
This summary highlights information from this report. [-7 words]
The data that the agecny offered in an effort to prove its point for the most part are incomplete.
For the most part, the data the agency offered to prove its point are incomplete.
Officials did a monitoring of the site and made the discovery that the species was making a rapid recovery.
Officials monitored the site and discovered that the species was rapidly recovering.
Running over budget, we determined that the program failed to meet its financial objectives.
We determined that the program, which was running over budget, failed to meet its financial objectives.
A formal study was conducted by the division before the program was implemented by the branch.
The division conducted a formal study before the branch implemented the program.
The official's personal opinion is that imports from foreign countries actually foster positive competition by American companies.
According to the official, imports foster competition by American companies. [-7 words]
The study shows that the delays on the part of the subcontractor resulted in delays by the agency.
The study shows that the subcontractor's delays caused the agency's delays.
The report made the implication that the agency failed to provide adequate regulation of the industry.
The report implied that the agency failed to adequately regulate the industry.
The case’s significance is in the fact that it demonstrates the court’s recognition of the great importance of the right to privacy.
The case is significant because it demonstrates that the court recognizes the importance of the right to privacy.