This game's sequel came out recently and was hated by fans
What is overwatch 2
This show stars small pastel “horses”
What is My Little Pony
This is the strongest telescope
What is the James Webb Telescope
What is the main ingredient in sushi
What is raw fish
When was the war of 1812
what is 1812
This game has been thrown out the most by families
What is E.T.
Rotten Tomatoes rated this movie low, but memes have been saying it's good
What is Morbius
This is how many bones the human body has
What is 206
What is the most popular food in the world
What tactics did the Colonists use against the British in the Revolutionary War
what is guerilla warfare
This is currently the game of the year
What is Elden Ring
This is the longest running tv show of all time
What is the Simpsons
This is the most common element
What is hydrogen
What is the most consumed meat globally
What is pork
What has Been Americas longest standing ally to this day
What is Morroco
This is the best-selling console of all time
What is the PS2
This movie about felines had horrible CGI and fans wanted their money back
What is Cats
This is the number of elements in the periodic table
what is 118
This fruit, if unripe, is no longer a fruit
what is a banana
What era switched from Agriculture to industrial
What is the Industrial revolution
This is the first game to be played in space
What is Tetris
This is said to be the #1 movie rated in the world
What is Avatar
You will die of radiation if you eat 10,000,000 of this fruit at once
what is a banana
What is the riskiest fish to eat
What is fugu fish
Who is said to have set foot on American soil first
Who is Leif Erikson