Add $108.00
What is $108.00 + $82.00 = $190.00
How many days are in October?
What is 31
What number represents December
What is 12
Write one dollar
What is $1.00
Subtract $68.00
What is $82.00 - $68.00 = $14.00
What is the date of the third Wednesday in October?The month in words, day and year in numbers
What is October 16, 2024
What year were you born?
Write thirty four dollars
What is $34.00
Multiply by 4
What is $82.00 X 4 = $382.00
What is the day after the second Tuesday?
What is October 9, 2024 or 10-9-2024
Write in numbers only
January 24, 2024
What is 1-24-2024
Write twelve dollars and fifty cents
Divide by 10
What is $82.00 / 10 = $8.20
What is the date on the day before the third Monday?
What is October 20, 2024
What is the date? 10-25-2025
What is October 25, 2025
Write Sixty Eight dollars and seventy five cents
What is 68.75
Add $100.00
Multiply by 2
$82.00 + $100.00 = $182.00 (X) 2 = $364.00
What do kids get on the fifth day of October?
What is candy
What date is the day before January 1, 2025?
What is December 31, 2024
Write One Hundred Twenty Dollars and Ninety Nine Cents
Whats is $120.99