A famous person who was defeated seven times while running for political office.
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
A cartoonist who was told by the editor of the Kansas City newspaper, "It's easy to see from these sketches that you have no talent."
Who was Walt Disney
An author whose first children's book was rejected by 23 different publishers
Who was Dr. Seuss?
A famous singer who was fired after his first performance at the Grand Ole Opry.
Who was Elvis Presley?
Who was Whoopi Goldberg?
A famous author who lived on welfare for years in an apartment infested with mice.
Who was J.K. Rowling?
A famous athlete who was cut from the varsity basketball team his sophomore year in high school.
Who was Michael Jordan?
An inventor who was thrown out of school in the early grades because his teachers thought he couldn't learn.
Who was Thomas Edison?
A famous Harvard University drop out.
Who was Mark Zuckerberg?
An inventor of a fried chicken recipe that was rejected by more than 1000 restaurant owners.
Who was Harland David Sanders?