What are the body measurements that are recorded
Height, weight and head circumference
What is temperature
The balance between the heat the body loses and the heat the body produces
The pressure of the blood pushing against the wall of the artery as the heat contracts.
Normal, shallow, deep or labored
Respiration character
Blood pressure reading when the left ventricle contracts
Systolic reading
Why are body measurements important?
To determine the patient's weight quality and for lab tests and medication dosage calculations.
97.6 - 99.6
What is the normal range for an Oral temperature
Instrument used to listen to apical pulse
Normal respiratory rate for adults
With a blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg, the difference of 40 mm Hg is called?
Pulse pressure
What are the units for height and weight?
Pounds and ounces or kilograms
feet and inches or centimeters
A rectal temp. over 104
information recorded on patient's chart
Date, time, pulse data, signature and title
Breathing pattern that consists of short, shallow breaths followed by deeper, more frequent breaths followed by apnea for 10-20 seconds and usually indicates a person is near death
Average normal blood pressure
What BMI indicates a normal weight?
Between 18.5 and 25 kg/m2
Common types of thermometers (4 answers)
Glass, Electronic, tympanic and temporal
location for assessing radial pulse
patient's thumb side of the wrist
When skin, nail beds or lips turn bluish in color as a result of a shortage of oxygen in the blood.
mm Hg
Millimeters of mercury
What are limitations of BMI?
Certain people's bone structure and muscle mass may give an increased weight, and therefore incorrectly classifying them as overweight or obese.
How is heat lost (4 answers)
Perspiration, Respiration, Excretion and conduction and convection
Pulse locations (7)
Temporal, Carotid, Brachial, Radial, Femoral, Popliteal, Dorsalis Pedis
Instrument that measures air flow
Systolic at least 140 mm Hg or diastolic at least 90 mm Hg
Stage 2 Hypertension