Tell me one coping skill
Breathing, walking away, counting to 10, asking for help
This candy bar can simply be called the cup
Tell me one positive thing you tell yourself daily
I got this, you can do this, I am a good friend, I am smart
This movie has a orange cute fish!
Finding Nemo
What is one thing we can do to calm down when angry?
Talk to an adult, walk away, ask ourselves "Is this really a reason to get upset?"
This candy bar is known for also having an ice cream named after it
Cookies and Cream
Tell me one body feelings you may have when you having a negative thought
Heart pounding, difficulty breathing, sweating.
This movie has a cowboy and a spaceman
Toy story
Name 3 places you can go when you need a break?
Go for a walk, 107, the sensory room, upstairs offices, ledge by the front.
This candy bar you can break into piece to eat
Kit Kat
Who can help you if you start to have negative thoughts?
Adults in your life
This movie has a lot of animals that perform on stage.
Tell me one person that you feel can help you when you are upset?
Miss Cianna, Mr. Brian, Miss Morgan, Miss Zana, your therapist
This candy bar is also a phrase that we use at school.
What does it mean to have negative thoughts?
When you tell yourself bad, untrue things about yourself.
This movie has several films and everyone has magical powers.
Harry Potter
Tell me one thing that helps at home when you are upset?
talking to an adult, going to your room, listening to music
This candy bar is also a town in Pennsylvania
Where is one place you can go when you are feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts?
Your safe place
This Disney movie has a girl that loves to read books and got her own library in the movie
Beauty and the Beast