What hormone does the copper IUD contain?
Does Medroxyprogesterone acetate protect against STD's?
What is generally the preferred method of emergency contraception?
Progestogen only regimen
What interaction does phenytoin have with OC's?
Enzyme inducer therefore may decrease the efficacy of the OC
What barrier method requires a cap to be placed over the cervix prior to coitus?
Does the copper IUD offer protection against STD's?
what is the maximum weight a woman can be to use the transdermal patch?
According to YUZPE's method, after how many hours/days will emergency contraceptive still be effective for use?
72 hours/ 3 days
Medroxyprogesterone is NOT affected by ARV's.
True or False
Does the female condom provide protection against STD's?
What hormone does the contraceptive implant release?
How long does the vaginal ring stay in situ?
3 weeks
If the emergency contraceptive pill is not an option,what else could you recommend?
The copper IUD
What condition is an absolute contraindication to estrogen containing oral contraceptives?
Venous thromboembolism
Spermicides may only be obtained with a prescription
True or False
How long can the Mirena (Levonorgestrel) be left in situ to protect form pregnancy?
8 years
What category of oral contraceptives are most likely to cause acne/worsen breakouts?
Progestogen only pills
How is Ovral (Ethinyestradiol/Norgestrol) dosed as an emergency contraceptive?
2 Tablets 12 hourly (for 2 doses)
When can COC's be used post partum?
3 weeks if not breastfeeding
6 Months if breastfeeding
After a weight change of ____kg,a new diaphragm may need to be fitted.
5 KG
What is a beneficial side effect of LNG-IUS?
What is the maximum period recommended for the use for Medroxyprogesterone acetate and why?
2 Years.
It contributes to bone loss and predisposes to osteoporosis
What 3 requirements need to be met in order to qualify as obtaining "informed consent"?
1. A verbal in person request
2. The request must come from the person to whom the medication is intended for use
3.Medication must be dispensed to the patient for whom it is intended
Which of the following contraceptive options is safest for someone taking Rifampicin?
a) Patch
d) POP
When using a diaphragm,it should be inserted ___ hrs before coitus and remain in place for _____ hrs after coitus.
3 hours before and 6 hours after