When does birth rights occur in one's life?
Birth Rights occur in the first year of their life.
What is the birthing ritual?
What is customary for a child born in Hindu faith and why?
To put a drop of honey in child's mouth and whisper Gods name so that the child will know that faith is sweet.
Is there a selected birth right within the Buddhist religion?
No is no general birth right.
What occurs at birth?
The father whispers the call to prayer into his or her ear so it is the first thing that they hear.
What is the purpose of birth rights?
Wash away original sin.
When is the birth ritual performed?
It is performed on the 8th day after birth.
What is a scared animal in the Hindu faith?
What does a Buddhist marriage consist of?
Marriage is not a religion event. Most Buddhists get married in a secular setting to someone they choose.
How long is a Muslim wedding last?
Traditionally 3 days
What is the purpose of lent?
Jesus fasted for 40 day prior to being crucified
What is not eaten in the same meal?
Milk and Meat
What are dietary restrictions for many Hindu?
What types of meats do Buddhist eat?
None they are vegetarian because of the belief that all life that all life is scared, and the belief in reincarnation.
What is does the ritual consist of before prayer?
Muslim wash their hands, feet, and face before prayers?
What other ceremony runs in conjunction with the birth ritual?
Baby naming ceremony.
What does it mean to keep a kosher kitchen?
Kosher is clean or pure, meaning food that has been prepared in specific ways according to strict Jews rules.
Hindu eating rituals/methods
When Hindu do eat meat there is a method of slaughter that they feel is least painful before death.
What is the Buddhist beliefs in death?
Buddhist do not fear death because they believe in reincarnation and that their soul will continue through samsara
What food method process has to partake prior consumption?
Kosher meaning the source of food needs to have restrict regulation clean.
How many cleansing rituals and what is the name/s?
How long is a sits shiva for?
Sits shiva a 7 day period.
What is the scared thread represent?
3 promises or vows he makes to respect the knowledge, parents, and society.
In Sir Lanka and other Theravada countries when a baby is born what is done?
Monks may be invited into the home where they prepare a horoscope for the baby based on the time of birth.
How is death view in Muslim belief/religion?
Death is painful and sad experience as it represents the separation of the soul from the body.