What is one way to make a new google document?
Google Drive ---> Create Button ---> Document
We click the increase indent button to ____ the ident by increments of a half-inch.
How do you create a shape?
Go to insert then select drawing, new then click a shape.
How would you delete an image?
Select an image, press backspace or delete key
What is the shortcut to “paste without format?"
Ctrl + Shift + V
Where do you go to add emojis or special characters?
shows the ruler on the top and right side to help you with the layout of your document.
What centers text around the tab stop?
Center Tab Stop
How do you stretch a shape?
Click the shape and then drag the blue handles to the size you want
When searching the web for a picture to insert, explain the steps to do so.
put insertion point, Insert tab-image-upload from computer, click open
Justified Alignment
Ctrl + Shift + J
What menu tabs can you use on your google document?
There is a file tab, Edit tab, View tab, insert tab, format tab, tools tab, and a Help tab.
What is the shortcut for making indent bigger?
Where do you go to get to the drawing tools?
Go under insert and hit drawing.
How do you edit the position of text around an image?
You select the image and change the text wrapping position.
cut text
How do you add bulleted lists
You select where you want to insert the bullet and go to the toolbar and push the dropdown and click the style you want.
How do you add tab stops?
select the paragraph or paragraphs and then click on the ruler. A menu will drop down and then you select the one you want to like left, right, center tab. Then place the blinking line where you want the tab stops and then press tab and the text will jump to the place.
How do you edit a drawing already inserted into the document?
Click on the image and select the 3 dots on the right side.
How do you recolor an image?
You select the image then go to all image option, then choose the recolor option.
Find text
How do you edit a link?
Click on the link, choose the pencil to edit.
How do you remove a tab stop?
Click and drag it off the ruler
How do you change the text format?
Select the text then choose the formatting options you want
To move the image smoothly and not mess up the text, what option do you choose under the image?
To move the image smoothly and not mess up the text, you set the image to wrap text.
Ctrl + Y