Topic 1: General Science
Topic 2: Waves and the EM spectrum
Topic 3: Stars
Topic 4: Forces and Motion

what is a mili, centi and,deci (numbers 

Mili- 1/1000

Centi- 1/100


  1. Can you sequence the colors of light by wavelength?  R O Y G B V, what order is that in? 

 red is longest wavelength violet is shortest

Violet is highest frequency red is lowest frequency

700 nm to 400 nm


What are the star types?

Giant, White Dwarf, Main Sequence


Know the first law of motion and how it is worded for an object at rest or in motion.

A object at rest stays at rest unless moved by a outside force

A object in motion stays in motion unless stopped by a outside force


What is earth’s gravity and how can you know how fast an object is falling after an amount of time.

Earth's gravity is 10 m/s & by multiplying the time by ten for example (Falling for 3 seconds; 10X3=30 m/s2)


What is the density of water?



Can you name and sequence the rest of the EM spectrum?  

Radio-broadcast radio and television

Microwave- used in cooking radar, or telephone

Infrared-transmits heat from sun, fires, radiators, temperature

Light-lets us see color

Low to high Frequency:R M I L UV X G  Shortest to longest wave:G X UV L I M R

UV-Absorbed by the skin, sterilized materials

X-ray-used to view inside bodies and objects

Gamma- used to kill cancer cells

  1. Can you match star temperatures with colors? 

Blue is the hottest star and Red is the coldest star. white, yellow, and orange are in the middle.


Understand what happens when forces are either balanced or unbalanced.  

The force and object will accelerate if not balanced, but if balanced they are pushing against each other equally staying still


Understand what the 2nd law of motion is saying and be able to calculate a simple acceleration using it.

  1. acceleration=force➗mass


We used a pendulum to understand some things like changing variables. What changes the time of the  pendulum the most?

  1.  State the problem, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion


What do you know about some properties of waves like refraction and reflection?

  1. Refraction changes the angle and reflection mirrors the angle directly

  1. Spectral Lines- what are they and what do they help us know about stars?

Every element gives a unique set of spectral lines, they help us see the elements in stars

  1. Can you add forces with Pythagorean Theorem? 



What can we know about collisions between objects and what will determine which direction the collision will proceed?

Two forces have to be equal f1=f1

ballGrams x m/s = answer 


 We used a pendulum to understand some things like changing variables. What changes the time of the  pendulum the most?

The length of the rope/string


What is the range of human sight in wavelengths?

  1.  400 nm-700 nm


How do you lable each type of star on a star graph? Explain

Main Sequence across the middle, white D on the lower right hand side, Giants right at the top, Super G at the top closer to the middle.

  1. Can you add forces graphically? 

Yes by drawing line from the top left to bottom right on a Parallelogram


  What can change the density of water?

salt & sugar

  1. Understand about colors and what colors of light are absorbed or reflected when we see something like a red object for example. 

(The red object is absorbing every other color, but is reflecting red silence the color can not be absorbed.)


Know where basic shapes go on the star graph and how temperature, color, mass and lifespan are all related. (Explain)

Red=Coldest Blue=Hottest mass and life span idk


How is Torque different from force and can you balance torques in a problem solving setting?

  1. Torque is a type of force that is applied to an object which results in the object rotating around an axis. Force is an action that causes a change in the motion of an object