Inserting images

How do you search for an image on the internet while still in the Google Documents?

You can press insert, go to images, and then press search from the web. A small window will show up and when you press an image you like you can press insert and it will appear wherever your cursor is.


what is the first thing you will do when you open your document?

go to my google drive first then type in google docs. Then second i would open google then go to the waffles then open google documents open a new or an old one that we already started in class.


what are the buttons? Put the correct name by the number shown.

asdf ;lkj they are the right things your hand go on.


Where do you go to add emoji or special characters?                                                                                                                                                                                    

go to insert that's all the way at the top then it will show different emoji's and different special characters or more like plant and smiley or more will pop up on their