Old Testament
Life of Jesus
Bible Classics
The Scriptures

Was created on the second day 

What is the SKY and the SEA? 


Jesus' first recorded miracle, performed at an event in Cana.

What is turning water into wine?


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to this king’s golden statue, leading to their punishment.

Who is King Nebuchadnezzar?


 John 3:16 says that whoever believes in God’s Son will not perish but have this.

What is "everlasting life"?


The dragon in Revelation is identified as this ancient being, who deceived the world.

 Who is Satan?


The place where moses was found as a baby 

What is the Nile River?


 The occupation of Matthew before he became one of Jesus’ disciples.

What is a tax collector?


This city was the destination where Jonah was supposed to preach repentance but tried to avoid. 

 What is Nineveh?


In the first Beatitude, those who are "poor in spirit" are promised this.

What is "the kingdom of heaven"?


The number of the beast, described in Revelation as the number of a man.

What is 666?


This was the one tree in the Garden of Eden from which Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat.

What is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?


This is the number of times Jesus told Peter to forgive someone who sins against him.

What is seventy times seven?


Before facing Goliath, David was anointed king by this prophet.  

Who is Samuel?


The opening phrase of the Lord’s Prayer, acknowledging God’s holiness and majesty.

What is "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name"?


In the New Jerusalem, the city has no need for the sun or moon, because this provides light.  

What is the glory of God (and the Lamb)?


This mountain was also referred to as the Mountain of God and where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

What is Mount Sinai?


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches these statements that begin with "Blessed are…"

What are the Beatitudes?


After they sinned, Adam and Eve were banished from Eden and guarded by this kind of angel with a flaming sword.

What is a cherubim?


The phrase in Psalm 23 that describes how God provides for the psalmist even in the presence of enemies.

What is "You prepare a table before me"?


The name of this book is recorded in Revelation as containing the names of those who will inherit eternal life.  

What is the Book of Life (or the Lamb’s Book of Life)?


: After Cain killed Abel, he was exiled to this land.  

What is the land of Nod?


Jesus was crucified during this major Jewish festival.

What is Passover?


The Philistine army offered these rewards for anyone who could defeat Goliath.

What is wealth, Saul’s daughter in marriage, and exemption from taxes?


According to Ephesians 6:17, this is the weapon of the armor of God, described as the "Sword of the Spirit. 

What is the Word of God?


The river of life, described in Revelation 22, flows from this location in the New Jerusalem.

What is the throne of God and of the Lamb?