President Nelson
Name that General Authority
Who's your Scripture Daddy (or Mama)?
Miracles of Jesus
Where is that Temple?

This is the year in which President Russell M Nelson was born (hint: he just turned 100 on September 9th!)

What is 1924?


Name one of the members of the First Presidency (besides President Nelson!).

Who is Elder Henry B Eyring or Elder Dallin H Oaks?


This man had at least five sons (and several daughters): Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Joseph, and Jacob. He sailed with his wife Sariah and their family to the Promised Land around 600 BC.

Who is Lehi?


A lot of people came to see Jesus while he was preaching on hillsides and on the seashore. On at least one occasion, 5,000 men plus women and children were very hungry but didn't want to leave and stop listening to the words of Jesus. This is how he fed them (what kinds of food) after asking Heavenly Father to bless the food

What are five loaves of bread and two fishes?


This is the first temple built in the Latter Days, and the building still stands in the state of Ohio. In 2024, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints repurchased the land and building of this temple to restore it (it has not been a functioning temple since the mid-1800s). It was in this place that Joseph Smith saw a vision of the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who restored the sealing power.

What is the Kirtland Temple, Ohio?


Before he was a prophet or even an apostle, Russell M Nelson was a heart surgeon. Right after general conference in April 1972, this president of the church asked Dr. Nelson to perform heart surgery on some of the valves of his heart. The result was a new technique advancing heart surgery that has now saves hundreds of thousands of lives.

Who is President Spencer W Kimball?


She is the current Primary General President and gave a talk on prayer. Her words encouraged us to: "Pray to know, pray to grow, pray to show."

Who is Susan H Porter?


Before he became a prophet, this man was a priest for the wicked King Noah. He was touched by the words of the righteous Abinadi and gave up his sins to follow the Lord's way. His son is named after him and became a very important missionary.

Who is Alma the Elder?


Name four things the Lord did for the people in the Book of Mormon from the song "He Prepares a Way."

He led Lehi and Sariah to the promised land
He gave light to Jared's brother
With His outstretched hand
He heard and answered Enos
Shielded Samuel on the wall
Freed Amulek and Alma
When He made their prison fall

He gave power and protection to Abinadi
Nurtured Helaman's two-thousand at their mothers' side
He lifted Alma's burdens
Aided Abish to be brave
And saved the faithful Nephites
With a night as bright as day


Name a temple within 10 miles of our ward building.

What are: Orem, Lindon, Mount Timpanogos, Provo MTC, Provo City Center?


This is how many children Russell M Nelson and his first wife, Danzel, have.

What is 10? Nine daughters and one son.


This apostle lived through World War II in Germany and Czechoslovakia and joined the church as a young boy. He was a pilot in his professional life and his talks often talk about stories of flight and lifting others. His wife is named Harriet.

Who is Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf?


This pair of women were the mothers of Jesus Christ and his cousin, John the Baptist.

Who are Mary and Elizabeth?


Name three miracles Jesus performed.

Healing the blind, raising Jairus' daughter, raising Lazarus, healing the paralytic man, healing the woman with the issue of blood, feeding the 5,000 and 4,000, walking on water, making fish fill the nets, healing the lepers, forgiving sins, healing the child possessed of a devil, casting out devils, rising from the dead, healing the servant's ear, turning water into wine, lighting the stones for the Brother of Jared...etc.


Name a temple in South America.



Name a few languages President Nelson can speak.

What are: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, English, and French?


This woman helped compile the first hymnbook and was one of the founders of the Relief Society. She is the wife of the first prophet of the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Before she was married, she was a schoolteacher.

Who is Emma Hale Smith?


This scripture daddy had twelve sons and a daughter! Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Naphtali, Judah, Joseph, Dan, Issacar, Asher, Gad, Zebulon Benjamin, and Dinah. He was also known as Israel.

Who is Jacob?


During a night when the Apostles of Jesus were on the Sea of Galilee, they saw Jesus doing this. When Peter observed the miracle, he wanted to join in and jumped out of the boat.

What is the miracle of walking on water?


Name one temple in Asia.

What is:
Busan, Seoul; South Korea
Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Okinawa; Japan
Kaohsiung, Taipei; Taiwan
Ulaanbaatar; Mongolia
Shanghai, Hong Kong; China
Bengaluru; India
Bangkok; Thailand
Phnom Penh; Cambodia
Jakarta; Indonesia
Laoag, Tuguegarao, Urdaneta, Santiago, Manila, Alabang, Naga, Tacloban, Ilollo, Bacolod, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro, Davao; Philippines


Elder ______ is the current President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, meaning he is the senior apostle and in line to be the next prophet. He is from St. George, Utah, and his name sounds like a country. Before he was called as an apostle, he was president of Brigham Young University. His wife's name is Patricia (Pat).

Who is Elder Jeffrey R Holland?


This woman was from the land of Moab and converted to the gospel when she accompanied her mother-in-law back to live with the Israelites in Bethlehem. She gleaned wheat in the field of Boaz and gained his favor, and married him. She became the mother of Obadiah, who was the father of Jesse and then King David. These were all the ancestors of Jesus Christ! This woman is known for her loyalty.

Who is Ruth?


This is Jesus' most important miracle that affects the lives of every person who has ever, is, and will be living on the earth for all time. It is the ultimate show of God's love for us!

What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?


This was the first temple to be dedicated in the territory of Utah. It is where President Wilford Woodruff saw a vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States asking him to make sure their temple ordinances were done for them.

What is the St. George, Utah Temple (April 6, 1877)? The Salt Lake Temple was dedicated 1893.