The birthplace of Jesus
In the beginning was the ____, and the ____ was with God, and the _____ was God.
There are seven ... and seven ...
Miracles (signs) and I am statements
This is what Jesus asked some of John the Baptist's disciples when they began to follow Jesus
"What do you want?" or "What do you seek?"
John 1:38
This is what the writer of John's gospel is also known as
What is the beloved disciple or the disciple whom Jesus loved? John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7, 21:20
This is where Jesus was crucified
He must become ______, I must become _____.
Great and less
What are the I am statements about?
Identity of Jesus
This is Jesus's first recorded miracle in the gospel of John's
What is the water into wine miracle John 2:1-11
One man that Jesus healed a man at a pool who had been an invalid for this many years
38 years? John 5:5
This is the "room" where Jesus had the Last Supper
The Upper Room
Jesus declared, I am the _____ of life.
This is the miracle that fulfills the other signs
Resurrection of Lazarus
This is what Jesus said that helped Mary recognize Him after His resurrection
"Mary" John 20:16
Jesus shared this peculiar statement with Nicodemus that perplexed him
"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again"? John 3:3
This is the village where Mary and her sister Martha lived and where Jesus was anointed
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the _____ and the ____ will set you free."
What is the miracle about God´s generosity and provision?
Feeding the 5000
Jesus refers to Himself by this enigmatic title when speaking to the Pharisees, evoking God's self-revelation to Moses in the burning bush and leading to an attempted stoning
This is where in John's Gospel, Jesus prays for Himself, His disciples and then all the believers (chapter)
John 17
This is the region where Jesus performed his first miracle
Cana (in Galilee)
By this, all men will know that you are [Jesus'] disciples, if you _______________.
Love one another
What is the 5th "I am" statement in chronological order?
The fifth statement, made in response to Martha before raising her brother from the dead, links His identity to victory over death and eternal life - I am the resurrection and the life!
These are the 3 things that Jesus said on the cross in John's Gospel
1) "Woman, here is your son. (and to the disciple) Here is your mother." John 19:26-27
2) "I am thirsty." John 19:29
3) "It is finished." John 19:30
This is where in John's Gospel that we learn that Jesus's own brothers not not first believe in Him (verse)
John 7:5